Lsass Attack Blocked

I have no clue what this means , but as soon as I fired My puter up this morning I connected, Then I clicked to open this forum . & Immiediatly, My Avast warning deal at the bottom popped up & said, Network shield has blocked an LSASS atack. It,s popped up 2 more times why I,m writing this. Any Idea What it is ? I have never seen it before. & could it have something to do with the forum page as I have not opened anything else yet? Thanks Cowboy

Edit. Now its. blocking. LSASS eploit (SXP) attack & DCOM expoit attack. Any Ideas of What I should do. It shows a number of where the attacks are coming from but dissapears quicker than I can write it down.

LSASS on Wikipedia.

If you google [LSASS eploit (SXP) attack & DCOM expoit attack] you'll find lots of posts about it cowboy

Thanks for the info. I searched & after all morning & about 300 attack,s Which were blocked thanks to Avast. I found my firewall was shut off. I dont have a clue how. But it was, Now everything is back to normal, Sorry I just got a little parenoid. Sorry for wasting your,e time. Cowboy

You never waste anybodys time cowboy, in fact someone could come along, read this post and know what could be causing the same problem on their computer :)

Totally agree with Hazel. To see how other people resolve their problems (or even what steps they're advised to take to do so ) is never a waste of time. It helps everybody here. Certainly me. :D