Low Occupancy Fragmentation

Have used Defraggler free for some time, yesterday installed the latest version of it on a friends laptop and horrified to find the disk was 57% fragmented. After defrag it was only 51%.....? The disc only occupies about 65gb data of which 33gb is reported as fragmented? Looking at the results it looks like there are lots of sectors reported as Fragmented Low Occupancy with one or two files that look like system type files. I cannot for the life of me understand why this should be. Is this low occupancy something new or is there a problem with the new build?

Apart from wiping the disc clean and re-installing all software is there any way of fixing this?

Many thanks


Have used Defraggler free for some time, yesterday installed the latest version of it on a friends laptop (vista) and horrified to find the disk was 57% fragmented. After defrag it was only 51%.....? The disc only occupies about 65gb data of which 33gb is reported as fragmented? Looking at the results it looks like there are lots of sectors reported as Fragmented Low Occupancy with one or two files that look like system type files. I cannot for the life of me understand why this should be. Is this low occupancy something new or is there a problem with the new build?

Apart from wiping the disc clean and re-installing all software is there any way of fixing this?

Many thanks


Nothing wrong with the build that would cause this. Pay no attention to the shade of red (fragged or fragged-low occ). Any frag is frag.

I may be able to help with a little more info from you. After analyzing, in File List, click Path to sort.

In the Path column, do you see System Volume Information listed?

Hi kroozer

Many thanks for the reply. Unfortunately the laptop is back with my friend and not sure when I will get access. I am waiting on him to get back to me for access to help with software tuition (an elderly but spright gentleman). This could be some time but once there I will look at your suggestion and then able to reply. Once again thank you for your reply