Low Cost Gas Engine Doubles Fuel Economy

Revetec, a little known company from the Gold Coast region of Australia, may be on to something huge: they?ve created an engine that is 50% smaller, 50% lighter, has 50% lower emissions and is cheaper to manufacture than a conventional internal combustion engine of the same horsepower. Oh yeah, did I mention that it doubles the fuel economy too.

What that means is a car like the 2007 Toyota Yaris, which is rated at 40 mpg on the highway, would get 80 mpg with a Revetec engine.


That would be awesome if it is 1) real and 2) comes into production. Imagine combining that with a hybrid?!


Imagine combining that with a hybrid?!

I wondered that too, and I'd love the gas station bitchslap on my wallet to be much less frequent.