Could someone please help me? After running CCleaner my computer will not play any sounds. When I go to play music I get the following message
"Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There may not be a sound device installed on your computer, it may be in use by another program, or it may not be functioning properly."
"0xC00D11BA: Cannot play the file
Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device, such as a sound card or sound controller. You may encounter this error message for one of the following reasons:
Your sound device is in use by another program. Quit other programs that may be using your sound device, and then try to play the file again.
Your sound device is not functioning properly. To troubleshoot the problem, see the Sound Troubleshooter in Windows Help or refer to your sound device's documentation.
You do not have a sound device installed on your computer. Install a sound device, and then try to play the file again.
Error ID = 0xC00D11BA, Condition ID = 0x00000000"
Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Thank you
Are you using XP or vista Angela?
You say you are getting no sounds at all, first have you opened your volumn control by double clicking the taskbar icon and making sure that the volume hasn't got a tick in the mute selection.
Also I read this fix somewhere which worked for some. Perhaps you could try it and see, it won't harm anything if it doesn't work
Open WMP, go to Tools, Options, Devices and wait till the window populates. Then highlight Speakers and click the Properties button.
Where it says, "Audio Device to Use", try changing to "Default Direct Sound Device". If that is already chosen, choose your soundcard from the dropdown list.
Test afterwards, if no joy just revert to your old selection and we can try something else.
I am using windows XP.
I have tried the fix that you suggested in WMP and it did not work.
When I open up the "Sounds and Audio Devices" in the control panel everything is greyed out and I cannot adjust the volumn either.
The only sound my computer makes is a beep when I get an email.
Do start>run and then type in services.msc and press okay
Look in the list of services that comes up and make sure Windows Audio service is started. If not double click on it and start the service.
I found the problem and it was not caused by the CCleaner. I needed to reinstall the Realtek AC97 Audio..... I deleted it so I feel like a real idiot. Thank you for your help though... much appreciated :-)
Glad you are sorted Angela and welcome to the forums ![:)]()