Lost my Blue Ray Burner Disc drive after Running CCleaner

Anyone know what I can do to reactivate it? I tried system restore, but that didn't work. Also evertime I reboot hard drive, it sends me to setup before windows 7 opens up. A few other items giving me trouble as well. I tried to be careful as I was running it, but obviously I did something wrong. I wish I had never run this program.

The PC acts as though there is no other drive besides my main hard drive, but of course the BD burner is in the case.

Look on this Microsoft page http://support.microsoft.com/kb/982116, although I don't know if their fix is specifically for your issue however from reading it at about halfway down the page it also supports Windows 7.


There's also this Microsoft support search with various other possible solutions:


Try System Restore (i missed that bit}

Richard S.

Try System Restore

Richard S.

He said he already tried that Richard.

av8r did you use the registry cleaner part of ccleaner?

Yes, I did use the registry cleaner. I'll look at these Microsoft sites, but in my experience, I usually get bogged down in tech language that I can't understand. I think I may have to reinstall windows if I don't find a solution. I use that BD burner almost everyday.

I did make a backup file of the registry. I'm reading the microsoft site to see how to restore it, but if anyone has suggestions here, I would certainly appreciate it.

Unfortunatly, I can't seem to find that backup. I remember seeing that it was going to "Documents", but I don't see it there.

CCleaner stores all registry backups (if you allowed it to make the backup) into your My Documents folder. It will be a .REG file that looks similar to this format:


If you merge a .REG backup, I'd say it would be wise to also restart your computer.

I definitely agreed to the backup, but unfortunately I did a system restore before trying that. (I had forgotten about it). I know that system restore isn't supposed to be removed, but I've searched all over the pc including My Documents of course, and I can't find it anywhere. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to reinstall windows. I've been having other problems which is the reason I ran ccleaner in the first place. I'm backing up my c drive as I write this.

Try this via Windows built-in search/find function. Look for this exactly to find where the .reg backup is saved:


Once or if it's found via the search you can then double-click it right from within the search window to merge it. Remember to reboot after using it!

Anyone know what I can do to reactivate it? I tried system restore, but that didn't work. Also evertime I reboot hard drive, it sends me to setup before windows 7 opens up. A few other items giving me trouble as well. I tried to be careful as I was running it, but obviously I did something wrong. I wish I had never run this program.

The PC acts as though there is no other drive besides my main hard drive, but of course the BD burner is in the case.

If you find the reg backup and it fixes it, great.

If you don't, what are the other items giving you trouble? Any information may assist in getting to the cause of your drive problem.

Have you looked in "Device Manager" to check as to whether any problems are visible there? You may have yellow exclamation marks showing.

How to use Device Manager in Windows 7:

Thanks for trying, but there were no search results. I have a W7 Repair Disk that I made right after I got the PC. I was getting ready to try that, and then realized I don't have access to my pc via disks. I'm going to have to borrow or buy an external DVD drive to try this disk or to reinstall windows.

If you find the reg backup and it fixes it, great.

If you don't, what are the other items giving you trouble? Any information may assist in getting to the cause of your drive problem.

Have you looked in "Device Manager" to check as to whether any problems are visible there? You may have yellow exclamation marks showing.

How to use Device Manager in Windows 7:

I have looked at device manager. Everything looks fine. It shows all my other drives, but there is no evidence that my BD burner ever existed. Another issue is that under "my documents" it doesn't show my stuff. I have to go to the c drive then users to get to the real "MY Document" It's as though Windows is logging me in under "guest". Also when I reboot, it doesn't reboot to windows; it goes to "hit F10 for setup". I have to hit escape a few times and tell it where to boot from in order to get to a desktop.

May be worth running a system file check


Well, I reinstalled windows and even then the drive was not visible. I opened the case and undid the sata connection and put it back in. I made sure all the wires weren't touching anything important and found out why my sd card reader wasn't working. The last shop that worked on it did not bother to install the wire to the MB. When I reconnected all cables and fired it up, still no Drive. I restarted windows and lo and behold there it was. I burned a disk, and started to burn another, and it was gone again. This time I pulled out the sata and put it back in, and there it was again. Don't ask me to explain this. Does it sound like I need a new drive. It's an LG BD burner, and it has worked great for about 4 months.

4 months old drives can die too, even 4 months old hard disks can too!

The drive should still have warranty on it I'd think so you should get it RMA'd to be replaced! If the next gives you troubles just switch to a different brand altogether.