Lost most everything

Well, CCleaner was recommended, so I downloaded and ran it.

All my data is now gone, along with my logon, desktop, pretty much everything.

I suppose I won't be suggesting this program to my friends.

What was your OS, and where did you download CCleaner from?

Did you tick everything and then clean? (bad idea)

Also did you run the registry cleaner part?

Running Win 7.

Downloaded from here.

Did not check everything, just the defaults as it opened.

Do you have System Restore turned on on your machine?

as hazelnut states but more generally, any backups at all?

but just in case, by sheer coincidence you have a corrupted user profile, can you go into Windows Explorer, your C:\ drive, Users folder and drill down to your login user, probably your name, or maybe Owner or whatever you have called yourself.

what others are listed, there will be Public, Default, and what else?

I had a restore point but it was terrible. and only a month old.

User profile was gone, public and default were there but useless.

Got my login back but much Is still missing.

maybe it was removed by a Moderator, but where did you get CC from? Your post#4 doesn't show a link.

did you run the Registry cleaner in CC?

I am the administrator and more importantly the only person that touches this computer.

I did not run the registry cleaner.

I did a clean install of windows, backed up what I could.

Life sux right now.