Lost internet after cleaning in WIN10

Hello, Hopefully someone has some ideas that can help. I have been running ccleaner for years on my PC's and family members PC's (when they ask for help). I have never had an issue until now. I have an ASUS that I upgraded to WIN10. I ran a scan and cleaned out a bunch of junk. I also did the registry scan. I didn't make a back up because I have never had a problem...till now. I rebooted the PC but now have no internet. I reset the router, ipconfig release/renew, system restore...nothing. I think ccleaner did something. I was looking online and see similar issues but fixes haven't worked for me.

Any ideas?

Ccleaner didn't do it, you did by blindly cleaning the registry. Since you made no back-up and likely have no idea what you removed, I'm not sure how to even begin troubleshooting this.

You say you've never had an issue before; this is akin to saying "I've never been bitten by a bear before therefore I can jab this bear with a stick and nothing will occur."

what have you tried so far?

first on my list would be to uninstall your network adpater, reboot and either let the PC auto-reinstall the driver or go to the adapters manufacturer's web site and download the latest driver.