One of my customers created a folder and added a lot of folders and subfolders and subfolders and subfolders with a very long path, one day windows crashed and lost the first folder (125Gbytes). Recuve recognize this folder as ?
I tried to recover with recuva, but recovers all files fine but do not recover de folder structure( 220000 files). Is there any way to rename de the ? folder and recover the folder structure with its files?
I know this is of no help but if they are commercial customers then where is their backup/recovery strategy?
You could try a deep scan, but with this amount of data then it may take until Boxing Day to run and it won't, as far as I know, restore the directory structure. You may be left with an enourmous amount of files to recover and sort into folders.
I have a fear that as a 'customer' then the pc will still be in use: this is bad news, it should be - in the best of all worlds - in quarrantine and not being rebooted or used for any purpose. Run Recuva from a flash drive if it's not already installed on the pc and recover any files to a separate media, flash or another hd. Have you recovered any files already, and if so where to?