Lost E Drive

Just updated ccleaner to v5.65.7632 (64bit) on Win 7 Pro, ran it and now my E:drive cannot be seen, which has all my files on it. ? drive is SSD and only has windows on it. Searched for the .reg backup file but cannot find it. Must be on the E:drive.

what is the best way to recover drive? Can't see it from disk management.

By default the reg backup is saved to My Documents.

My documents is on my e drive.

System Restore might be your only bet :(

Could recuva be used to get the files off the hard drive?

Not if the hard drive cannot be seen.

If you haven't rebooted in a while give that a try first.

You could go into Disk Management (it's built into Windows) and make sure that drive has a drive letter associated with it - maybe it's as simple as giving it a drive letter. But be forewarned if you delete the partition or format in Disk Management it will likely make recovering anything on the drive impossible.

Instructions here are for Windows 10 but might also be similar for previous versions of Windows:
