Lost disk space


I'm running Windows Vista x64 and CCleaner v. 2.17.853. Last night, I had 25GB free disk space and 8 GB in the recycle bin. I ran Ccleaner, which is set to delete the following:

Recent documents

Other Explorer MRUs

Thumbnail Cache

Empty Recycle Bin

Temporary Files


Memory Dumps

Chkdisk File Fragments

Windows Log Files

Sun Java

Media players (quicktime and MPC)

7-zip and WinRAR

MS Wordpad

Every option for Opera Browser.

I let in run, and came back to see that it had finished and displayed a report saying that 7.xx GB were removed. However, when I checked my drive, I saw only 1.24 GB free! Wipe Free Disk Space was not checked while Ccleaner was running, and I'm searching for files created since yesterday but I haven't found anything of consequential size that wasn't there before cleaning.

Does anyone know where my disk space could have went?

Update: I just checked my C drive again, and it displayed 41 GB free space. I'm ridiculously confused, but I guess all's well that ends well. What an interesting bug.

I was having the same issue with CCleaner on my desktop and laptop. Both running Vista x64. I would Run CCleaner and my free space would magically disappear. I kept receiving Low Disk Space pop up messages in the system tray. I did some researching on the Internet found a program called "WinDirStat" that will examine every file on your hard drive and found that in my "$RecycleBin" folder that one file was not being removed and just kept building up in size. That program easily removed the file and my disk space returned to normal. This issue happens every time I run CCleaner to remove file from my Recycle Bin. Give that program a try. It's 100% free. http://windirstat.info/

