Can anyone recommend some good FREE Anti-Spyware programs.? I don't want SpyBot Search & Destroy or AdAwareSE. I do have SUPERAntispyware which I really like but can anyone recommened any other good programs.?
I've been using SpywareTerminator for 2 months now, and very happy with it. It's still under development, there have been some teething problems (check the forums) but so far I've been lucky.
I've used spywareterminator a bit. Its ok and has alright real time protection but the scanner didn't seem that great. I think your better off just getting the others from the list I made and not running any real time antispyware.
I've been using SpywareTerminator for 2 months now, and very happy with it. It's still under development, there have been some teething problems (check the forums) but so far I've been lucky.
Thanks for the mentioning of it, I'll also have to check it out!
Let me know what you think of it andavari. I tried it a while ago and started this topic:
It integrates with clamwin so if you like clamwin it might be what your looking for. It has a hips built in and the interface is pretty good. I like it better than defender for real time but like I said I don't run any of them real time.
I do still have it installed though. I like that it adds a right click context menu to scan files with.( AVG AS and Spyware Terminator are the only free ones I know of that do this).
Let me know what you think of it andavari. I tried it a while ago and started this topic:
It integrates with clamwin so if you like clamwin it might be what your looking for. It has a hips built in and the interface is pretty good. I like it better than defender for real time but like I said I don't run any of them real time.
I do still have it installed though. I like that it adds a right click context menu to scan files with.( AVG AS and Spyware Terminator are the only free ones I know of that do this).
I don't like its scanning at all! The only good things it has is the GUI and integration with ClamWin but those alone won't save it in my opinion. Maybe once it matures it will be better.
For one it flags some rather old stuff like a Creative SoundBlaster Audigy2 registration key ("AsioReg" = REGSVR32.EXE /S CTASIO.DLL), and some other mundane typical stuff that someone unaware of what should be removed would remove by mistake. I uninstalled it after only doing a Fast system scan. I did at least report the false positive about the Creative SoundBlaster Audigy2 file.
Forgot to mention that during install it wants you to chose how it will work in different modes which is sort of confusing at the get-go.
I have not had any spyware etc install itself since using this program, IMO that's what it's all about. Better to block it from installing in the first place than pick it up with a scan afterward. ST's HIPS protection does a pretty credible job of achieving that, though it's not impervious. So if not impressed by it's scanning ability, just keep something else handy for that, or purchase a program that will will do both jobs well.
I also keep a handful of very good scanners available, for routine checks, and just in case, including Asquared and SuperAntispyware. Neither have found anything recently, except the odd tracking cookie.
Yeah it's good to use multiple scanners, however I haven't had any adware/spyware on my systems in at least the last six years according to all the programs I scan with.
Out of curiosity, Andavari, and the ongoing quest for improved security, what resident applications/immunisers do you use?
Well I switch anti-virus scanners like I do my socks now I'm using with resident protection, but only because I found out how to disable the Notifier:
* Avira AntiVir (Free Version)
Secondary anti-virus scanner:
Anti-spyware, I don't have any resident protection for that, and don't need it, but I do use these although they never find anything:
I contribute these to keeping junk off my system:
* Adblock Plus for Firefox using all available filters
Forgot to mention on some rare occasions I'll also run these:
So that method someone posted to disable the notifier worked?(sorry to whoever posted it I forgot who it was.)
I don't know who posted it because I can't even find that thread using the search function, I don't even remember what forum I got the info from either (although I'm thinking because I was following one URL link after another.
Removed the codebox with the info, I re-found the original post by shek located here:
Edit 2: I don't know where I grabbed the XP Home instructions from but here they are:
Disable AntiVir Notifier in Windows XP Home Edition:
1. Boot into safe mode
2. Log in as Administrator
3. Go to C:\Program Files\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\avnotify.exe right click on it in Explorer, go to Properties->Security->Advanced->Edit then select the option to not let it execute for all users.
4. Reboot into regular Windows.
Originally by Andavari
I contribute these to keeping junk off my system:* Adblock Plus for Firefox using all available filters
* Adblock Filterset.G Updater
* HOSTS File
* SpywareBlaster
Thanks for that. Been thinking about how to set up a Hosts file for a while now. That link, plus a bit more reading, provided the incentive. Emailed them to subscribe to updates, too.
Another layer!
Spyware Terminator was on the rogue anti-spyware list because the company behind it was also the creator of the IBIS spyware. It was delisted because spywarewarrior again didn't find no problems serious enough to justify listing the program on this page.
But: why use a program that has a bit of a chequered history if and when better programs are available.
fredvries Posted Today, 12:16 AMSpyware Terminator was on the rogue anti-spyware list because the company behind it was also the creator of the IBIS spyware. It was delisted because spywarewarrior again didn't find no problems serious enough to justify listing the program on this page.
But: why use a program that has a bit of a chequered history if and when better programs are available.
SpywareTerminator doesn't have a chequered history; the parent company's association with IBIS was chequered. I have read the spywarewarrior information.
As to why use it? Because it works, it's free, and from user reports and reviews on several forums, it is a good deal more effective than the only other free realtime AS, WindowsDefender.
IMO it is no use going overboard with anti-spyware... too many antispyware programs will slow down the computer just as much as actual spyware. This is ironic but true, especially for realtime monitors.
I use Windows Defender, CCleaner, Comodo Antvirus, and a HOSTS file. Very simple and (for my new laptop) light on resources.
IMO it is no use going overboard with anti-spyware.
It's always been that way with real-time protection rather it's anti-virus, or anti-spyware however some people may think more is better when they're only causing conflicts that may actually cause security related issues such as one real-time shield blocking the action of another when it needs full access to a file to block or remove it, thus an infection may get through or not be dealt with at all.
However with that said the malware authors aren't a stupid bunch they're professional computer vandals, and they will probably always have ways to disable, remove protection, or circumvent it.
After reading the info on that site, I think this is something I want to try. The installation intructions look complex so I hope I don't mess anything up. Also, they mentioned your PC might slow down a lot when using that host file. To avoid this, you turn the DNS service ON? It seems like additional running services would slow it down, not speed it up.
Re MPVS hosts file
Well, I just installed it last night, having spent a couple of hours reading all the information and instructions, and creating a restore point.
Turns out, 'twas really straightforward. Just unzipped it to a folder I've created that contains downloaded programs, read the read-me and license, clicked on the executable, done. (Restart req.)
I did actually turn the DNS off afterwards, (it's on by default) using the instructions provided. And flaming gerbils, the 'pooter didn't crash, and the internet connection didn't fail. It seems a little faster loading on some sites. Haven't noticed any slowdown. And some ad banners and counters aren't there any more. All good.