Looking for a driver updater

I don't know a lot beyond the basics.

Is there such a thing as a program that will search my computer to see what programs and drivers I currently have on it and then search the internet to notify me of any updated drivers for my programs (or to let me know that I already have the latest drivers)?

I did a search in this forum for this topic and saw the thread about good freeware. I saw a post about something to do with drivers but I wasn't certain if was what I was looking for.

Thanks for any help you can give me.


There are driver updater type programs floating about, however they can sometimes recommend an incorrect driver to download.

There's always the freeware FileHippo.com Update Checker which will find numerous things.

I kind of shy away from these utilities, but here's a couple: DriverMax -- DriverUpdater Pro

There are such programs, but I haven't had a lot of good results with them. While it would be nice to totally automate this process the reality is that you are best off knowing all the applications that might need driver updates, and get them directly from the vendor websites. This can be a hassle, too, especially if the bit of kit you want to update is getting old.

What I have done in the past is use a program like Driver Max which does automatically search for the drivers, but to then not download any. It's a good program, but some of the downloads offered are not from vendor sites, and some don't install correctly or work. (Learned this the "interesting" way.) Some of them did install and work OK, though.

What the trick is, is to view the list of (allegedly) out of date drivers on the results, then visit the vendor site for each of those applications and browse for driver updates manually.

Do make sure you set a restore point, or take some other kind of backup before installing these. Often they install without hassle. Sometimes they don't.

The update checker recommended by Andavari is all I use now, and take heed of Tarqs advice to make a restore point at least before installing new drivers.

Driver installs are probably the biggest cause of BSODs, and I found that out the hard way. That's not to say you can't upgrade drivers without problems. Of course you can, but take the precautions mentioned above beforehand.

visit the vendor site for each of those applications and browse for driver updates manually.

That's very good advice!

Also browsing your PC manufacturer website to manually look for updates also works rather well that way you just input your computer model number, or serial number and it will list what's for your stock OEM system. Some drivers that have older versions installed must be uninstalled first before installing the new one.

Some of the PC manufacturer websites may also offer the wrong drivers, so you really have to know what you're looking for. Then there's the old saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it," and when dealing with some drivers that holds true as some updates will just bite you right on the arse and create a complete mess.

Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) 1.0

actually, it's not that hard to know what Chipset you got. Apps. like PC Wizard can tell you this sort of Info. if your Chipset is VIA, nVidia or ATI you'll get the idea to go to either website to look up the latest drivers. PC Wizard is a great App. to help you out.