Sometimes I post a problem, knowing that Dj will answer it, and help solve it for me, as was my last problem, which is still unresolved, but only due to lack of time not anything else, I would have probably asked for more of Dj's help on it.
I think/hope he will go to lunarsoft once Tarun gets it back up. This place just isnt fun to come to anymore all we get are hijack this logs and then new people who try to argue with us. Also we get jerks who come here just to start problems. Anyway what do you think CaPMan?
The other big down fall of this forum is that you cant trust all of the advice thats being given anymore. If I ever had a problem their were about 4 people I would listen to and now only 2 come here anymore, you and Andavari (Tarun hardly ever comes here anymore either). Anyway once Lunarsofts up I will be more than likely out of here too. (Schools starting back also and I wont have as much time so I might as well spend it in a place I like).
Yes farewell DJ, he will be greatly missed here by all. This forum in my opinion has lost a genius.
I'm not in charge however in my own opinion (now that I can look back) I think it was a mistake to add HJT analysis to the CCleaner forums, to me it seems that it dominates the forums. Although many people have had excellent help to remove malware from their systems, I personally think HJT analysis should be moved elsewhere to a different forum that is solely dedicated to providing analysis and security advisement, and let the CCleaner Forums revert back to being the CCleaner Forums.
To me all forums go the route that a few or many long time members "may" be experiencing, e.g.; the honeymoon is over. As an analogy (think that's the proper wording, unsure) I love mint flavoured black tea with sugar and Equal to sweeten it however if I drink too much of it on a regular basis it doesn't seem to have any taste whatsoever (weird just had to throw that in). I think this happens when a forum (experience) is no longer new or exciting, and becomes a sort of routine like a job. That's just my take on it, and how I generally experience forums since I can get bored doing just about anything real fast.
Glad to hear I'm wanted on Lunarsoft, however I'll have to think about it for a bit. I probably won't leave the CCleaner Forums, however if the likes (in no particular order) of; rridgely, CaPMan, Tarun, englishmen, agumon were to no longer show up I'd probably jump ship as well, however I'd still visit here from time to time hence I'll have to download new versions of CCleaner.
Another forum that analyzes HJTs is, but they are seriously backlogged and my experience with them was unpleasant.
What stands out about this forum in my mind is that the people here are patient, knowledgeable, concerned with others, and good-natured. Of course there are moments and exchanges that aren't positive in nature, but I would guess that anywhere a varied group of people come together that is inevitable.
I have learned a lot, had quite a few laughs, and been helped in many different ways by all the posters in this forum, and I hope everyone stays and continues to contribute to it.