Logged out of all websites

I've been messing with the settings and I can't figure out what to keep unchecked so that CCleaner doesn't log me out of all the website that I am logged into.

Here's my current setup:


What browser are you using (ie, firefox, chrome, opera)

I'm going to assume firefox as that's what the Image shows

Does it still happen if you don't use Winapp2.ini?

Ok I got time to post. I removed the winapp2.ini and had ONLY Internet Cache, Download History, Compact Databases CHECKED. I opened Firefox and I was still signed into websites. It sounds to me like this is a winapp2.ini issue. How can we resolve this?

My configuration (partially because I'm a nightly tester) is with the following enabled

Internet Cache

Internet History


Adblock Backups*

Bookmark Backups*

Crash Reports*

Download History*

Dump Files*

Firefox Corrupt SQLites*

Firefox Extensions Log*

Firefox Logs*

Firefox Minidumps*

Firefox TestPilot Error Logs*

Firefox webappsstore.sqlite*

Lock Files*

Marionette Log*

Mozilla Maintenance Service Logs*

Mozilla Temps*

Mozilla Updates*


Site Preferences

Saved Form Information

Session Manager deleted sessions*

Stylish Sync Backups*

Sync Logs*

Compact Databases

I'd hazard a guess it's either startup cache or one of the sqlite entries, but to be honest I've run most of those myself and never been logged out of all the websites im logged in to

edit: I've just manually run each of the entries and it didn't affect my logins. I am using Firefox Nightly 29.0a1 2014-01-19 on windows 8 pro x64, so it may be an issue that does not affect nightly but does affect the stable or beta builds.

How can we resolve this?

1. Don't use the Firefox cleaners from winapp2.ini if you want the easy way out.

2. If you're willing to test things:

A: Untick/disable all the Firefox cleaners from winapp2.ini (they'll have an asterick listed after the cleaner name *).

B: Get cookied by one of those sites you wish to keep login details for by actually loggin in, etc., and then close Firefox.

C: Now in CCleaner right-click and select Clean one of those Firefox cleaners from winapp2.ini, then open Firefox and see if your site still recognizes you - if it doesn't continue on to the next Firefox cleaner from winapp2.ini to find the culprit.

D: Once you find the culprit you can remove that cleaner from winapp2.ini or comment it out using this character: ;

E: Perhaps also make a note in your locally installed winapp2.ini such as:

; Don't use Firefox cleaner "Some Firefox Cleaner*" because it deletes my needed login details.

i have the exact same problem, but i'm using chrome instead of firefox.

As this thread is over six years old then maybe it might have been better to start a new one of your own.

(A lot of things change in six years).

Are you using Health Check or Custom Clean?

(Health check didn't exist in 2014).

And are you also using winapp2 like the original poster was in 2014?

The option in standard CCleaner Custom Clean that will usually log you out of websites is 'Session' for whichever browser you are using.

If you are using Custom Clean then try unticking 'session' under the Chrome options.

7 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		As this thread is over six years old then maybe it might have been better to start a new one of your own.

		(A lot of things change in six years).

		Are you using Health Check or Custom Clean?

		(Health check didn't exist in 2014).

		And are you also using winapp2 like the original poster was in 2014?

		The option in standard CCleaner Custom Clean that will usually log you out of websites is 'Session' for whichever browser you are using.

		If you are using Custom Clean then try unticking 'session' under the Chrome options.

when i use custom clean or health check, i have every box under chrome unchecked and have history unchecked respectively. i have no clue what winapp2 is, and to be fair i'm relatively computer illiterate (or whatever the term is for not knowing much about how tf computers actually work on a technical level)

If you have 'every box under Chrome unchecked' in CCleaner then Custom Clean will leave Chrome alone altogether.

Health Check will still clear some things Chrome related, which will include cookies and so willl log you out of some websites.

That's a security measure so that if someone else gets their hands on your machine then they are not automatically logged into your accounts just by opening Chrome.

As you have Chrome unchecked in Custom Clean then I suspect that you have Chrome itself set to automatically clear your cookies on closing, thus logging you out of sites when you close Chrome. (Again it's the same security measure).

See this for how to change those settings in Chrome:


<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Note that, if you set your browser to automatically clear your cookies when you close it, you will have to log into the websites you use each time you open your browser.

If you use 'Private Browsing' that also will not save your 'logged-in' status with a website when you close Chrome, and so you will have to log into sites again next time you open Chrome. (Again it's the same security measure).

All these different things log you out of websites when you close/clean the browser for a reason, it's not realy safe to automatically log into websites.

Imagine if your laptop automatically logs into your bank account when you visit the website, then imagine that someone steals (or finds) your laptop and so is straight into your bank account without any password, your money would be there for long.

It doesn't have to be your bank account, they would have access to all your emails, could send emails from your name, could post things on your Facebook page, etc. etc.

hello, i also do not understand why i get logged from websites on chrome and firefox, can you help me please ?

Because your active logins in each browser are saved as cookies for that browser; so if you clear those cookies then the active login is cleared, and you have to log in again next time.

Health Check will always clear those cookies.

If you use Custom Clean then you can identify the cookies and tell CCleaner to 'keep' them and not clear them. (so you won't be logged out).

See this: <a href="https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner/ccleaner-settings/choosing-which-cookies-to-keep" rel="external">https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner/ccleaner-settings/choosing-which-cookies-to-keep</a>

Again- Health Check will always clear those cookies. (Regardles of whether you have told Custom Clean to keep them).

NOTE- It's not just CCleaner that may do this, you may have your browser(s) set to delete cookies when you close the browser, which will also log you out of any sites that you are logged into.

Completely understand that this thread is VERY much old... I'm just curious if anybody found the exact culprit within winapp2.ini that's causing firefox to clear login sessions regardless if Session, and Cookies are unchecked within the CCleaner UI.

18 hours ago, hlve said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Completely understand that this thread is VERY much old... I'm just curious if anybody found the exact culprit within <strong><em>winapp2.ini </em></strong>that's causing firefox to clear login sessions regardless if Session, and Cookies are unchecked within the CCleaner UI.

in winapp2.ini, sessions refer to collections of open tabs, deleting these wont affect login status. If a recent winapp2.ini is causing your issues it's most likely from Firefox Cookies or Firefox Saved Logins