log in / out of websits

Hello, can any help?

Every time I run the health check and resolve the issues it logs me out of my accounts (amazon etc) .Is there any way to run the health check without logging me out of my accounts. The amazon account on my laptop is my wife`s account so it`s troublesome logging back in without her.


I'm afraid not with Health Check - it cleans what it cleans. (You can tell it not to clean certain things but you have to tell it every time).

Health Check is meant as a quick way of cleaning for those who don't want to be bothered with setting things themselves.

(It also does a check for out of date apps - some apps not all).

However Custom Clean is much more customisable as the name says, you tell it what to clean or not. (And can even add 'Includes' to clean things it wouldn't normally.

Cleaning the 'Session' for a browser is what causes you to be logged out of sites that you are logged into on that browser, so in Custom Clean you untick Session for that browser and Custom Clean then leaves the session information alone.

Custom Clean will remember your settings and use them everytime, unless you change them again.

eg. Here 'Session' is unticked for Firefox browser, so running a Custom Clean will leave the Firefox session information alone. (Whereas running Health Check will clear the Session information).


Note that Health Check does not refer to those ticks/unticks, it always does it’s own thing so will still clean the session information.

You can set Custom Clean to be the default that CCleaner shows you by changing Options>Settings>CCleaner Home Screen to 'Custom Clean'.


for other wo search this / similear Problem....found a fix bymyself for Amazon. I think this works for other apps too