Hi, I'm trying to recover many jpeg images using Recuva from a problematic flash drive. I'm hitting a snag very early in the Recuva Wizard though and receive this message when I check E:// from the "Browse for Folder" tab : E:/ is not accessible. The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted.
I would really appreciate help with this and am pretty much a beginner at data recovery. Thanks in advance!
Yeh, you can try working with linux tools. There's a kind of partition tool (g-parted) on hiren's boot cd that might recognize the partition. See if it is recognized by that. G-parted is also available as standalone. This is all freeware material.
Otherwise, I'm afraid your only route is going to be pro-level service.
I tend to think of Recuva as the Big Daddy of undelete software. It requires the hardware be in good shape and that you have a disk that can be recognized and mounted.
The big guns in data recovery software are very costly tools, and they have a lot of manual settings to work with. Not beginner's material by any stretch of the imagination.