Anyone with good taste in music should appreciate these links.
rridgely, the man was nothing short of genius.
Was a great fan until he strapped on an electric guitar, but still have a collection of all his early acoustic stuff.
Pleased you started this thread, as it`s given me the impetus for a change of identity. Been getting a little tired of the Green Biker.
Gonna pay tribute to a musical hero of mine. A man who was an inspiration to people like Dylan: Woody Guthrie.
Popular and folk musicians such as Bruce Springsteen, Billy Bragg, Wilco, Ani DiFranco, and countless others, continue to draw inspiration from Woody Guthrie, re-interpreting and re-invigorating his songs for new audiences. Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, Arlo Guthrie, and Ramblin' Jack Elliot, are among the legions of folk musicians, of every age-group, who are carrying the tradition of the harmonica and guitar-playing singer/songwriter into the future.
Thanks for the links. We are definitely on the same page.
Also got a few Tom Petty albums.
I've heard of him. My Mom likes his music just a little.
I love dylan's acoustic stuff.(Tangled Up in Blue, Times they are a changin, blowing in the wind, and so many more), I've deffinitely got my heart more in the rock side of things than folk, but I love them both. Never has there been an artists like Dylan and honestly he never has put out a bad album. Never once have I put in my $10-$15 and regreted my decision.
I love Springsteen as well Xanatos. I could listen to the Born to Run album on repeat untill the day I die. (All of his albums are fantastic, but I wasn't that big of a fan of that pete seeger album he just put out. Devils and Dust was phenominal though.)
Tom Petty is fantastic too.
His solo stuff is amazing and so is his stuff with the hearbreakers. I haven't gotten his newest album yet though. Maybe I'll pick that up this weekend actually.
but I wasn't that big of a fan of that pete seeger album he just put out.
I got that Springsteen Album from my local CD library.
I tried very hard to like it, but man, it was nothing more than an indulgence.
I`ve got a Pete Seeger album in front of me now: "Songs of Hope and Struggle".
If you ever get the chance to listen to this, bear in mind that although the songs seem a bit simplistic, they were sung as real protest songs at public meetings, in bars etc. in the very early days of the Unions.
Most work places had no unions at this time, and Pete Seegers songs were so inspirational, he had real threats to his wellbeing from company employed thugs.
ive always like acoustic stuff and bob dylan is good. i agree, tom petty is a pretty cool dude too. too bad for all the drugs, bobby may have made a few more.
Same here but instead mostly Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, albeit Horror Metal is intriguing and for the life of me I don't see how people can put down Metal saying it's all satanic and other bulls**t when the same people might go to see some horror film where people get chopped in half (chopped in half is a good old Obituary song).
Although I did have a friend that was really into Dylan, Rolling Stones, Springsteen, Tom Petty, Stix, etc., and I was more-or-less forced to listen to it all on the way to school and back home since his car was my only way to get to school before I owned a car - this is of course eons ago like 17-20 years back in my High School days. I however didn't mind listening to some of the Queen he had and even liked some of the KISS he played (god KISS from the 70's and 80's really is wussy "metal"). Thank goodness I could go home and pop in a now ancient audio cassette with some Judas Priest, DIO, Slayer, etc., to detoxify myself from "mellow" rock.
Black Metal/Death Metal/Horror Metal/Doom Metal/Scary Metal/Melodic Death Metal/Satanic Metal/Monster Metal/ Dark Metal/ Demon Metal/ Crappy Metal.
Its all the same! Its metal with a different gimmick!
I can't take that stuff seriously. Sorry, I know you love it. I can't listen to someone scream into a mic about death(which by the way isn't something I'm looking forward too.) Plus like I've said before, when you classify yourself into all of these litte sub catagories you really limit what you can do.
I actually like a lot of really heavy metal too. And some old punk like COC, MDC, sex pistols, skinny puppy, etc. metal is all good-maiden, kiss, sabbath, whatever.
but to be honest, i also like rap like snoop, eminem, and even some stuff like madonna, phil collins, etc. pretty diverse, i think i only dont like country.
Guys we have covered just about every genre of music here, but no one has mentioned..... dare I even say it ? JAZZ.
I can listen to just about anything, but I couldn`t be cajoled, bribed or even tortured to listen to Jazz. Actually, I could be tortured by being made to listen to Jazz.
Apologies to the Jazz fan on this forum, (there must be at least one), but I have really tried to find something there that I could hook into, but nothing, nada, zilch. I just don`t see it, or should I say hear it.
Improvisation yes, individualism yes, but all I hear is a bunch of good musicians all playing on a different page.
Heavy Metal Jazz: Now wouldn`t that be a thing to hear. Joking Andavari. I do actually like some heavier stuff. Absolutely loved Metallica`s live set at the Freddie Mercury tribute concert oh so long ago. Remember that ?
Still got the CD tucked away somewhere. One of the three tracks was " Enter Sandman". Will have to rake it out later today and give it another spin.
Welcome to the CCleaner forums where you can talk for hours about anything and probably only the first 3 posts in a topic are about the topic.
Thats just the way we do things. (Nah, we get some awesome discussions going this way.)
I like hard rock and some metal. For instance I like Alice In Chains(they were grunge but Metalica grunge. ), Guns N Roses, Metallica, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and many more. What I don't like are the bands that are supposedly heavier than heavy metal that have either screaching or growling vocals that I can't hear. No one can be heavy all the time and when you parade yourself as being dark, satanic, or gothic it just seems silly to me. This is my opinion, and everyone has their own, but I love talking about it.
Back on the topic of Dylan, I found another cool vid: