License is not activated

Hi! Last December I bought a license key. I copy the key and username from the email and I can't activate it because it doesn't accept my username. I contacted support multiple times and sent a screenshot my problem. The problem is not solved, no one answers my last emails. March will come soon, and I still cannot use the licensed version for which I paid money. CCleaner, are you scammers?

P.S.: Your request (831671) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff.

Raymond (CCleaner Support)" <>) - untalented support worker. The last letter from him was 09 January 2022.

@NikaNsk: I can see that you sent a request December 30th at 17:58 GMT saying that you were having trouble registering the licence key. You then received a response January 3th at 03:41 GMT from Raymond advising you that your licence was indeed valid until December 2022 and giving you some additional guidance on how to register your licence - with a note that the problem you were having was most likely that you had accidentally entered the letter "I" in your licence key as an "1", and asking you to get back to us if you still needed assistance, with a screenshot of the registration dialog if you required further assistance.

There was a record of a successful licence activation made at around the same time - not sure if that was you following the instructions and successfully registering your licence, or Raymond triple-checking your licence validity by registering it himself to test.

You did not reply to that email so the case closed, assuming that you had followed the instructions and had had no further difficulties.

You did later indicate that you were unsatisfied with the assistance provided in the ticket close survey, and so Raymond followed up with you on January 8th at 09:49 GMT again requesting a screenshot of the registration information that you had attempted to enter so that he could help you with next steps. You do not appear to have responded to that email or raised any additional correspondence since then.

So my suggestion to you would be as follows:

  1. Try following the instructions in the email that you were sent January 3rd - particularly with regard to using Copy and Paste for your licence key and/or being sure not to type a "1" instead of an "I" when entering your licence. This solves 95%+ of licence registration issues.
  2. If that does not work, then do respond to Raymond (or raise a new ticket) with the screenshot that was requested so that customer support can assist you further.

I followed all of Raymond's instructions. I copied the key and name from the sent letter and did not enter them on the keyboard. The error keeps appearing and the license is not registered. I sent a screenshot of the error to Raymond three times: January 03, January 09, January 29. What else do I need to do to start using what I paid for?

Hi @NikaNsk,

I have sent you a follow up support request could you check if you received this message, reply to it and then let me know here when you have sent a response so I can check if we have correctly received your reply.

If you have any questions just message me back.

Reply sent 10 minutes ago


Hello! A week has passed and nothing has happened. Why are you ignoring me again?

@Laurence CCleaner

Support does not answer me. The forum also stopped responding in essence. Where should I write next? Lord god?

@NikaNsk: I can see that there was a new ticket 865590 raised by Laurence on Feb 28th at 1047 GMT (that you screenshot above). But there is no sign of your response being received at our end. Could be an issue with your email provider. Do you have another email address that you can send from?

Yes, I have another mail, now I will send him a message again + screenshot. I sent him an answer earlier, above is a screenshot with confirmation posted.

Hi @NikaNsk can you please message me your new email address so we can reach out to you directly in regards to this issue?

Hi! Sent a private message to you.