Licence extension

I had 40 days left on a 3PC 2yar licence and I extended it for 3PCs and 2 years noting that any existing days lft on my licence would be added to the new one !! they weren't - so as of time of writnig this note í've lost 40 days and can't find a mailbox to write to for help on subscriptions ?

Help please ....

Please contact..

As Hazelnut says an email to support will sort this out for you.

How did you extend the licence? Did you renew through a notification or purchase a licence from the CCleaner webpage?

The first should automatically add the days remaining on the old licence to the renewal, but it can take a day or so for that to show up in the licence information.

However if you purchased a new licence through the website then it is assumed it's for a different computer, the support team can merge the old/new licences for you to add the remaining time.

@davidbroster: I saw your support ticket ... and note that you saw that the licence had been extended while you were writing it ;-)

You had purchased at 3:21pm and the licence match/extension batch run is currently running at 8:20pm (and then again at 4:30pm) so while we appreciate the thankyou note that you sent to our support team, all credit in this case belongs to the licence credit robot.