Left overs and privacy

C:\Documents and Settings\Bob Smith\Application Data\ contains alot of folders, many of software which I had removed long ago. Maybe CCleaner should clean them?

C:\Documents and Settings\Bob Smith\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book\bobsmith.wab contains all my email addresses of people, etc... =/

C:\Documents and Settings\Bob Smith\Application Data\Microsoft contains alot of directories and under the directories are directories with strange numerical names.


Many leftovers from old uninstalled applications.

I think much data can be harvested here or maybe some data you want to get rid off.

Bob Smith?

Bob Smith?

You can always tell the guys who don't trust MS with their names. :P

Course, not that I blame him!

Heh, well actually Bob Smith is a fictional name that I used to replace what was there when I posted the path on the forum.

The real name in the path is different, but since it is irrelevant anyway I choose to replace it.

And just for the record, I do not trust Microsoft, I wouldnt be surprised if username was sent when using Windows Update or something, but that is not the reason in this case. :)

I wouldnt be surprised if username was sent when using Windows Update or something, but that is not the reason in this case. :)

I've wondered about that myself. In fact, several months ago when I was reinstalling Windows on my notebook, I think I stared at the user name blank for about ten minutes before typing in my name. I didn't know if I should, but then my fear was that if I used a false name, it would show up that way on my files and such, and would be a nuisance. So finally, I used my real name.

Do you know whether or not MS is able to obtain personal information, such as names? MS always claims to not get personal information during transactions such as Windows Updates, but I'm sure that they have some clause that gets around this.

I dont know, but I definitly would not trust them.

Use an alias. :)

And its scary how much hidden information documents can contain...

I dont know, but I definitly would not trust them.

Use an alias. :)

And its scary how much hidden information documents can contain...

Even without MS Update recording your name, you probably installed many MS things such as office, which you used your real name in.

Using openoffice or abiword will help you avoid this. Open any document created using word with notepad to edit it and you might see your private info, name address etc in there, just like you filled it out at install.

Also, without a firewall, they can reverse trace your ip to your ISP, which they can then demand to know who is at a certain ip, and by indirect circumvention, get your real info.

Have a good day!