Learn C++

Hello everyone!

I'm trying to learn C++, because hopefully I'll study that this autumn. So, I'm curious about which sites thats good to learn from :) I'm learning now from cplusplus.com, I think it's easy to learn and good basics. Do you guys have sites to recommend? :)

Also, I'm using Dev-C++ now as a compiler and it works well but is Borland better? In which case? :P

Because everytime I compile, the program just run in 0.001 seconds and then its gone. system ("pause") isn't so good, any other way?

I use this now:

std::cout << "";

std::cin.ignore( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );

And as you see, alot to remember for a n00b. getch(); is for Borland only. Anything from Dev-C++?

Thanks guys!

//My first program

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main ()


cout << "Hello Piriform!";

return 0;


I did this without cheating, yeay! :) One day I want to contribute to Piriform ;)

Well gigabayt I haven't used C++ but I've used VC++ and I didn't like it thats why I use the old VB.

Now one of the best sites on the web for code is Planet Source Code. They have a Visual Basic, VB.Net, Java/Javescript, C/C++, ASP, SQL, Perl, Delphi, PHP and Cold Fusion sub sites. C/C++ is broken down again into C, C++ (general), Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++ and UNIX C++. You can do a search for any keywords you want to on there. The downloads are rating so you can see it its popular or any good.

Another great site that I use for VB is VBForums its mainly for VB but they do a C and C++ forum and a C++ Codebank as well.

The web is a beautyful tool for search for any info on any topic. ;)

Thanks Keithuk :)

Will check out this sites now ;)

cprogramming.com is a good one