I have been using Pirform's Professional Edition for over a year and in the first version Defraggler worked perfectly. The latest version I have is v2.19.982 (64-bit) and Defraggler goes through the motions when clicking Defrag but does nothing.
My C: drive has 686.3 GB capacity, Used Space is 233.8 GB, Free Space is 449.8 GB
Analysis results:
510 Fragmented Files (14.1 GB)
15,926 Total Fragments
1% Fragmentation
After running Defraggler the Current state numbers are identicle to those in the Analysis results.
When using the earlier version it would take over an hour to defrag my C: drive. The current version completes the task in 2 minutes which idicates nothing is being done.
Question: How do I get it to work? Or can I download an earlier version that does work?
I did pay for the Pirform Professional Edition because it came with the bonus package that included Defraggler, Speccy and Recuva but as far as I know it isn't a Business/Commercial version. I am using it at home. Can you offer any suggestions on my problem?
I'll field this one; there is no bug here, 1% fragmentation is not only nothing to worry about, it's phenomenal. Anything ~25% or less is a routine amount of leftover fragmentation that a computer may still have after any defragmenting .
Windows is like a messy child, fragmentation begins immediately even as a user cleans (defragments)
Side note: My fellow moderator actually meant Professional version (which you are running) not "business/commercial" as he put it. However you stated you'd had it over a year so (assuming you didn't repay after a year) your priority support contract would have ended.
Same here. Clearly there is a bug. Latest versions seem to just read and move very few blocks and finish quickly, but the all the rest is left as it was. After downgrading back to an old version (2.11), it started working greatly as before. I have observed this same behaviour (and the same fix by downgrading) in four computers with differents Windows OSs (XP Pro, 7 Pro, 7 Enterprise and 7 Home Premium)
Same here. Clearly there is a bug. Latest versions seem to just read and move very few blocks and finish quickly, but the all the rest is left as it was. After downgrading back to an old version (2.11), it started working greatly as before. I have observed this same behaviour (and the same fix by downgrading) in four computers with differents Windows OSs (XP Pro, 7 Pro, 7 Enterprise and 7 Home Premium)
Did you read my post above, the original poster had virtually no fragmentation. Defraggler can't derangement if there's nothing to defragment. What percentage is your volume reading as fragmented?
Hello. Yes, I have read your previous post. The fragmented percentage reading for each one of the four computers I have tested is: 18%, 25%, 9%, 13%. By the way, I have been progressively stepping up the installed Defraggler versions in order to find where the bug started. So far I am in version 2.17.898 and it is still working OK, so the bug has arisen somewhere between the next one and the latest 2.19.xx.
I have also noticed this problem. I am running v2.19.982 (64 bit) on Windows 8.1.
Defrag runs for a few seconds, then the disc analyser starts, taking more time than the actual 'defrag'.
This happened with a drive at 50% fragmented, and at 0% after running Windows Optemise.
However, it seems to only apply to the ‘full’ defrag option. Quick defrags run properly - Ie takes more than a couple of minutes, and actually defrags the drive.