Latest version (4.05.4250) not cleaning cookies on Firefox 24?

I'm pretty sure the new version of the browser is the culprit. Have been using the current version of CCleaner ever since it was released, with no problems. Recently noticed it's not clearing cookies from Firefox. I'm pretty sure it started happening after I upgraded to FF 24.


Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1

Anyone else confirm?

Is there a new version of CCleaner coming to fix this soon?

i have FF v24 but run it in private mode so can't confirm.

if the problem only started with the FF upgrade, chances are it's the culprit (but not 100% sure of course)

assuming you have checked CC options that could be relevant, I would wipe the FF profile.ini file and have it create a new one.

of course you'll lose your customisations and the like but it's worth a shot if nothing else pans out.