Latest Sony Rumor

Saw this while reading about the rootkit issue:


Hence the reason to wait a year or two before buying a PS3.

I don't know what the hell Sony management has been smoking the last few weeks. I'm wondering who is leading them into hole which they may never get out of, that nobody will probably through them a rope to climb out since a shovel and some dirt to bury them is starting to sound more like a good ideal.

That sucks.

What if you buy a game, then your PlayStation breaks, then you get a replacement or buy a new and the game you bought and legally own wont work anymore.

Think if you live with mom and have PS there then you goto your dad and have another PS there, then you cant play it there. And you cant take your disc when you sleepover at friends house and play there.

You cant borrow the game to your friend and if are tired of the game and never want play it again, then you cant trade it for another game with a friend or someone. And you cant give it away either.

I think that nobody should buy a PS3!

I will never buy a PS3!

This is a rumor. Sony messed up with the root kits but there is no way that they wouldn't let you use old games. This just simply wont happen.