The internal fan on my Dell laptop has started making a whining noise when it operates.
It this normal? Is it worth me opening up the laptop and seeing if the fan is OK?
The internal fan on my Dell laptop has started making a whining noise when it operates.
It this normal? Is it worth me opening up the laptop and seeing if the fan is OK?
How old is the laptop? It sounds like the bearing might be going bad in which case the fan should probably be replaced.
my friend is some computer expert and he wanted to swap out the fan on his laptop.
im not sure if this is the case with all laptops but theirs layers and layers you have to take apart.
he eventually gave up and just took it in.
they probably make it like that so you take it in and spend more money having them fix it.
If it's making a whinning noise then that means the fan is old and it's about to die out. I haven't messed with any Notebooks lately. You could try taking it to a near by computer shop and they may be able to help.
Thanks guys.
In answer to Mike, it's about 14 months old.
Thanks guys.
In answer to Mike, it's about 14 months old.
That doesn't really seem that old but if the fan is squealing it's probably going to get worse instead of better. Another thing to consider is it may be turning more slowly than it should so it might not be cooling the laptop as much as it was meant to. Like New Age and TFITS* said it may be a good idea to take it in. I say that because I figure if I had a laptop and I removed the screws there would probably be a spring loaded mechanism inside that would launch the thousands of parts inside the laptop all over the room and on to the neighbor's roof.
*TFITS = TheFiresInTheSky which is way too hard to type especially with all those capital letters .
*TFITS = TheFiresInTheSky which is way too hard to type especially with all those capital letters mellow.gif .
thats pretty funny cuz you seemed to get it typed out there at the bottom.
.thats pretty funny cuz you seemed to get it typed out there at the bottom.
Yes but I figured it would be the last time I would ever have to since I brilliantly came up with "TFITS."
Why the name change? neighboraaron sounds friendly [and neighborly] but TheFiresInTheSky** sounds kind of scary and a little bit evil in a Darth Vader sort of way
**Now I'm hoping that was the last time I have to type the whole thing !
And yes I know how lame "Mike Rochip" is especially since I did a search once and there's thousands of us on the web .
well, neighberaaron was old and everyone misspelled it just like you did.
i thought of everything for a new name.
i wanted an all-around name for everything.
aim, forums, myspace, yahoo, comcast.
that was the only one i finally could think of.
EDIT: and the FBI is out to get me so im changing my alias
the cool thing is, now my old names up for grabs!
All my E-mail is: New_Found_Age and my Forum names are: New_Agewell, neighberaaron was old and everyone misspelled it just like you did.
i thought of everything for a new name.
i wanted an all-around name for everything.
aim, forums, myspace, yahoo, comcast.
that was the only one i finally could think of.
EDIT: and the FBI is out to get me so im changing my alias
the cool thing is, now my old names up for grabs!