Keep Selected Passwords


I would REALLY, i mean R E A L L Y, like an option to keep selected passwords for IE and FF.

It was a feature in a long-abandoned IE Privacy Keeper. But IEPK doesn't really work with FF.

I hope you can make it work!


Deleted by Disk4mat

Hi menych, and welcome to the forum.

Are you talking about saving the cookies containing your login details/passwords for various sites?

If so, after logging on to the sites in question, close them down again, open CCleaner and go to "Options\Cookies" and look for the relevant cookies in the "Cookies To Delete" window, and move them across to the "Cookies To Keep" window.

If not there, they could be "Flash Cookies", or .sol files, which are kept usually in the following locations:

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\EJR7ZWV7


C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\support\flashplayer\sys

Note, the bold highlighted number is a salted number, and will differ on your PC.

If here, you can add these locations to "CCleaner\Option\Exclude, and add folder, or file.

If this isn't what you mean, damn. :D More information needed.

EDIT: You just beat me Disk, but I'll leave it here for the "Flash Cookie" info.

Thanks for the responses

But Form Data is exactly what I am talking about...

I would like to clean it but for a few websites. Can that be made possible with next releases? As of now, it seems that I can simply choose whether to trash the whole thing or keep the whole thing...

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quick response

I want to keep form data for software forums

but i don't want to keep form data for porn forums :))))

does it make sense?

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I use a seperate portable browser for my AHEM adult needs.