Kamo blocking website connection

It looks like I'm not the only one to experience this. Two things happening: 1) When Kamo is active, Firefox won't load websites - notification is "Secure connection failed" It appears that the websites are timing out on the attempt to connect. 2) When Kamo notifies me of an upgrade - like the recent v2.3 one - the Kamo banner simply can't be gotten rid of - can't click the "Got It" button, can't close the banner. Can't access any other PC functions.

I'm an old guy....and not very tech savvy. The only way I can resolve these issues is to go to Task Manager and shut Kamo down altogether. Then all is fine until the next period of Kamo activity.

I just installed KAMO as part of an upgrade to my CCleaner program today 10/19/2021 and I could not access any of my websites or do much of anything. I uninstalled KAMO and everything went back to normal. I paid for an update which was supposed to include this program but I definitely won't be reinstalling it until the CCleaner crew get it fixed. I use Microsoft Edge as my browser and it was completely non-responsive with KAMO installed. I'm no tech guru but I knew enough that if my computer was working perfectly before a program was installed that the best cure for any hiccups that occurred afterwards were quite likely directly related to that program and the best solution is to completely uninstall it which was the only solution I could use that was effective.

Same problem. Caused firefox to become almost unusable until I completely uninstalled. I have no idea why they're still pushing such a horribly bugged program via CCleaner when they've been notified it's breaking browsers.

Hi, well, on my side I have no issues with my browsers and Kamo, I use Chrome and Edge.

But, recently, an update message appear : Time for an update, latest version Kamo 2.3.

Then, their's a blue DOWNLOAD button, see the print screen I took.

When you clic on that button, download do not start, but the picture in the Kamo tab change, see the secon print screen, it says, in french in my case : Merci d'avoir télécharé Kamo (Thank you having download Kamo).

And then you have de detail of the 3 steps to fallow.

And finally, at the bottom, you have an install blue button htat you can't clic on.

But, When I check the update option, Kamo indicate that I alrady have the lastest version that is installed on april 28, 2021.

So, what is the latest version, 2.3 or ?

I can't find any download avalable for the Kamo 2.3, and you ?

update Kamo 2.3.JPG


Install Kamo.JPG

Hi @PSheehy The latest version of Kamo is now v3.0.280.504; can you please see if you are able to install this update, using the following steps?

  • Open Kamo > click Menu > SETTINGS

Otherwise if this doesn't work either, or if you happen to encounter any other issues, please let me know - I'll be glad to help with anything you may need.