I have k-lite and have gone to download some midi files but I cannot get any sound from them either when online listening or after downloading. WMP is ticked for midi files. Is there something else I should be ticking?
EDIT: have just found the answer,
double-click volume control icon in taskbar, optitions/properties/ and tick swsyth (as this for some reason was unselected) and untick the mute on the swsyth slider bar.
I doubt that most people use eMule for downloading midis, since apparently hazelnut and myself are the only two people on planet Earth who even listen to midis anymore!
who even uses eMule these days. i tried dling the K-Lite Mega codec pack on eMule(i try to dl the file-sharing way instead of using up a site's bandwidth) and it didnt work. it only works for me on BitTorrent.
I doubt that most people use eMule for downloading midis, since apparently hazelnut and myself are the only two people on planet Earth who even listen to midis anymore!
Just for you then Lokoike ! This is a site I use for ringtones for my phone which fortunatly plays midi files. I just bluetooth them over after download. There are some very funny things on here as well as the music.
who even uses eMule these days. i tried dling the K-Lite Mega codec pack on eMule(i try to dl the file-sharing way instead of using up a site's bandwidth) and it didnt work. it only works for me on BitTorrent.
Yeah, eMule is dead. Shareaza is pretty good, as far as free P2P apps go. I just searched for the same codec pack, and found lots of good sources right away.
emule dead? who uses it? I do. I have never been unable to find something i want off of emule. i have never gotten a virus, and almost never get an incomplete or unusable file. having tried many p2ps, i find that it is the very best one out there. its a bit slower than some, but i would rather wait a bit and get the whole thing intact than fast and broken.
the problem is not finding the file you want, it's just the people that share it. when you want someone to let you dl a file, it takes a few minutes or even hours for someone to start. that's why it sucks so much.
emule dead? who uses it? I do. I have never been unable to find something i want off of emule. i have never gotten a virus, and almost never get an incomplete or unusable file. having tried many p2ps, i find that it is the very best one out there. its a bit slower than some, but i would rather wait a bit and get the whole thing intact than fast and broken.
and use acemegacodec pack-its all you need.
Well, I suppose dead was a strong word...
But my friend and I ran some tests with Shareaza vs. eMule, and Shareaza won every one of them. Shareaza found more of the files I wanted, with more sources, and they downloaded faster. These of course weren't extensive tests, but they made me a believer.
And thanks for the midis link, hazelnut! It makes me happy...
I also use Shareaza and have no problem with finding files and downloading them. I think sometimes it's finding out how to set it up correctly that is the key.
P.S. glad you liked the link lokoike, I've used it on and off for a while now with no probs, it's certainly extensive !