just 1 album

If you were going on a long trip and you could only take one cd to listen too, what would it be?

This would be a cd that you could listen to any track on it and never have the urge to skip songs. Greatest hits discs not allowed. :P

I have 3 possibilities(artists maybe..):

1. Sgt. Pepper- The Beatles(obviously)

2. Highway 61 revisted- Dylan

3. Born to Run- Springsteen

I have listend to each of this albums litterally hundreds of times all the way through. Each reaches a level of perfection in my view that very few albums surpassed. It was a hard pick though(revolver instead of pepper? Maybe abbey road?)

Anyway, what is that 1 cd that you can listen too all of the way through.

BTW I'm open to all, this topic is litterally to help me find great albums. :D

(if I didn't pick from those artists I might get exile on mainstreet(stones), Whats the story morning glory(oasis), or maybe rocks(aerosmith).

Its too hard to pick just 1. :P

Maybe the better way to ask is, whats a cd that in your opinion has no bad songs on it.(no filler at all)

Firewind - Forged by Fire

Greatest hits discs not allowed. :P

I feel a rule break coming on! :P

For me it would probably be (in no particular order):

1. Paradise Lost "Draconian Times", released in 1996.

2. Carcass "Heartwork", released in 1994.

3. Carcass "Swansong", released in 1995.

4. Dimmu Borgir "Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia", released in 2001.

5. Dimmu Borgir "Death Cult Armageddon", released in 2003.

6. Manowar "Fighting The World", released in 1987.

7. Manowar "Kings Of Metal", released in 1988.

8. Manowar "The Triumph Of Steel", released in 1992.

9. Manowar "Louder Than Hell", released in 1996.

10. Massacre "From Beyond", released in 1991.

11. Mercyless "Coloured Funeral", released in 1993.

...and here comes the rule breaking (just because you said no): :lol:

12. Obituary "Remixed", just tracks I remixed to make them heavier.

13. Dimmu Borgir "Remixed", just tracks I remixed to make them heavier.

14. Disincarnate "Remixed", just tracks I remixed to make them heavier.

If I had to choose today it would probably be u2 - achtung baby. Though tomorrow I might choose something completely different... Perhaps Shostakovitch or Dvor?k :lol:

I cant remember the Guy,s name. But it would be The album that has the Miami Vice theme song on it, the series not the movie. Strictly music. If not the One from the HBO series Deadwood Also just Music . I hope that aint breakin the rules. Or If Ya really want ta get weird . Funkadelic by MaggotBrain or Herby Hancock, or Blueman Group

Allthough as You might guess, I listen mostly to country . My new favorite group is Big & Rich . Cowboy

Everyday my answer will probably be different. But as of today I would have to say Live Phish - 19, 7.12.91: Colonial Theatre, Keene, New Hampshire.

appetite for destruction-gnr.

appetite for destruction-gnr.

I could've put that in my list too, but unfortunately I've never got around to getting it on CD (talk about procrastination it's a twenty year old album). I still have the old cassette tape though.

Totally agree with appetite and achung baby(this album is over looked a lot by general listeners, its very impressive, especially given the context of the band and the time in their career when it was released.)

Appetite is of course the greatest hard rock album of the 80s.(in my opinion anyway) It might be hard to pass master of puppets though... nah GNR were better at the time. I wasn't a huge fan of the illusions though.

The others I haven't heard, so I'll look into those.

The others I haven't heard, so I'll look into those.

You won't like mine! :lol::P

Well you may like the Paradise Lost "Draconian Times" it has to be one of my favourite albums of all time, it's pure Hard Rock/Metal but not the devilish stuff you're scared of. :P

Paradise Lost albums after Draconian Times are even more tame, however albums before Draconian Times are more Death Metal.

I'm not going to make fun of your music anymore, but I'm not scared of it. :P

Its just not my thing, and I'll leave it at that. :D

I'll check out Draconian Times on Napster later if they have it.

I'm not going to make fun of your music anymore, but I'm not scared of it. :P

You'll make fun of it, I know you will. :P

Tell the truth you're scared of it. :lol:

Just messin' with you!

1: Pink Floyd "The Wall".

2: Roger Waters "Amused To Death".

Would have either one. Never grow tired of listening to them.

They didn't have the album you mentioned.


I listened to a few songs(well I'll be honest i only listened to like a minute of each) and it was well... eh.

Maybe that album you mentioned was different idk but "Gothic" isn't really my thing. :P

I'm still not going to make fun of death/doom/dark/satanic/gloomy/sad/black/goary/bloody/whatever else you want to call it. I think someone sent me a nasty PM last time. :P (or it may have been the time before that. :rolleyes::P)

1: Pink Floyd "The Wall".

2: Roger Waters "Amused To Death".

Would have either one. Never grow tired of listening to them.

I have the wall, but not amused to death, I will definitely give it a listen.

I love dark side of the moon and animals though.(the wall is good, but I'm not sure if its my favorite pink floyd album or not... hard choice)

I think Waters is coming through here pretty soon and he is performing stuff off of all of the old pink floyd albums. I haven't looked at ticket prices yet but I bet they are up there. :( If I could get tickets for $50 or so I would go but I bet the ones left are in the $100's. :(

I cant remember the Guy,s name. But it would be The album that has the Miami Vice theme song on it, the series not the movie. Strictly music. If not the One from the HBO series Deadwood Also just Music . I hope that aint breakin the rules. Or If Ya really want ta get weird . Funkadelic by MaggotBrain or Herby Hancock, or Blueman Group

Allthough as You might guess, I listen mostly to country . My new favorite group is Big & Rich . Cowboy


The guy your looking for is Jan Hammer, good choice!

If it was me taking just 1 album, it would have to Jean Michelle Jarre, Oxygene/Equinoxe

It's a kinda short album so I'm taking another one, it would be any early Stranglers album. ;)

If I could get tickets for $50 or so I would go but I bet the ones left are in the $100's.

You can always listen to Styx for free if they come to your town, they played at our Steamboat Days and I could here them clear as day about 1 1/2 miles away at my house while inside my house. Had I went to the concert I would've probably lost my hearing.

I have the wall, but not amused to death, I will definitely give it a listen.

If you listen to Amused to Death, listen carefully to the old mans story at the beginning. Once you've heard the entire album, you'll know why.

$100 will be nearer the mark. Good luck.

LOL, I don't like styx though. :P ( I don't get the feeling you would either. :D)

I've been to a few concerts where when I left, I could hear nothing but my own ears ringing. :( (strangest feeling ever)

I love going to concerts, but I'm not paying $300 dollars to go.(I'm obviously not going alone, and if I want someone to go with me I more than likely will buy the ticket. My friends are all cheap. <_< )

Had I went to the concert I would've probably lost my hearing.

Tell me about it. :P