If you were going on a long trip and you could only take one cd to listen too, what would it be?
This would be a cd that you could listen to any track on it and never have the urge to skip songs. Greatest hits discs not allowed.
I have 3 possibilities(artists maybe..):
1. Sgt. Pepper- The Beatles(obviously)
2. Highway 61 revisted- Dylan
3. Born to Run- Springsteen
I have listend to each of this albums litterally hundreds of times all the way through. Each reaches a level of perfection in my view that very few albums surpassed. It was a hard pick though(revolver instead of pepper? Maybe abbey road?)
Anyway, what is that 1 cd that you can listen too all of the way through.
BTW I'm open to all, this topic is litterally to help me find great albums.
(if I didn't pick from those artists I might get exile on mainstreet(stones), Whats the story morning glory(oasis), or maybe rocks(aerosmith).
Its too hard to pick just 1.
Maybe the better way to ask is, whats a cd that in your opinion has no bad songs on it.(no filler at all)