July Desktops

You all know the rules, no ImageShack and please use "small" thumbnails to link to your images.

Think of those folk on low bandwidth. :)


My desktop for today. Windows 8.1 preview


Hmmmm, nice Start button.... ;)


caught in the act, Wall-E!

Dennis, what a nice picture. Very peaceful. I grabbed a copy of it for my desktop slideshow.

It came from here razz, so you can grab a "clean" copy ...


Some nice ones on that site, and the one in question is at the bottom.


I've always used http://wallbase.cc

I like to randomly order 1920x1080 and larger with 16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratios.

Thanks for the links Dennis & Winapp. Great Pics! :)

Nifty sunset.

Took it myself w/ the phone.

By sheer dumb luck, it has a sort of an interesting look.


The old "silver lining" showing there login.

Nice one. :)

Glad you like it. :)

Some of those buildings are huge . . . sort of puts things in perspective, eh?

We get some odd cloud formations these days, and in 2009 I was looking at a strange one over where I live, and above it I spotted an inverted Rainbow ...


Not earth shattering in itself, but unusual and a first for me, and no, I haven't inverted the original image. Not that anyone would have thought that of course.

You'll notice I've set it as my desktop, so I needn't reprimand myself for wandering off topic. :lol:

that's cool.

not that I'm a rainbow-chaser or anything, but I've never seen an inverted one before.

Dennis you forgot to mention that you took that photo while you were stood on your head.


That's the way I usually make my posts as well hazel.

This has to be my most liked desktop for a long time ...


I just love this. A really well constructed image and hats off to the artist.

My 'work' computer where I do my volunteer teaching.

I love the art work of William Turner & this painting of his called 'Burial at Sea' ; is one of my all time favourites.



Nice one, Qwertius. :) Sort of pulls ya right in, eh?