Of all the firewalls and other security software I see discussed on this forum, I've hardly ever seen this terrific one talked about. After using Zone Alarm Free and Sygate for significant periods of time, and trying Kerio and Agnitum, I recently started using THIS little tool. It has more features and functionality than any firewall I've used, yet it uses less memory and system resources (currently 7.6 MB according to Task Manager)! It is not quite as simple as Zone Alarm, for example, and I would only recommend it to those who are familiar with software firewalls, yet once you're used to it, its quite easy to use. Also, version 2 should be released in the next few months. Just wanted to suggest this to those looking for a good, light firewall!
Yep I like jetico. V2 is coming out pretty soon but I've read on a few different sites that it wont be freeware. I tried the beta and it crashed over and over. (but I guess thats why its not final.
The thing a lot of people get confused with jetico about is that when it asks for permission for a program you have to use the drop down box and put it in the application zone to get it to quit notifiying you about it.(unlike most where you just check a box and press allow).
I really did like jetico but I also spent more time than I wanted to fiddling around with it. I'm not sure if that means it has more features that I liked, or that it meant that it required more attention in general. The program is very customize able and I liked it a lot, but to be honest this new pc tools firewall has my interest right now. It uses 4mb of ram and seems to have all of the bases covered.
Also whats up with all the red x's in your sig... are they supposed to be there or are there images that aren't showing up?
You're right, you MUST assign each application a rule or else it will keep popping up! That's one of the reasons I guess its not a n00b app. Other firewalls just ask you to allow the program and as long as you check the "remember my response" box, you'll never see the pop-up again.
I'm disappointed to hear that v2 will not be free. Where did you see that?
I also fixed my sig. Apparently the site I linked the image to didn't like it much.
There are a few posts on their forum talking about it.
I would link you to them but their website sucks and uses frames.(which makes it a real pain to link to specific things. )
A few weeks ago I was decided to try several firewalls to take place of Zone Alarm Free. I was attempt to Pc Tools Firewall (rridgely'post left me curious), Comodo Firewall Pro (yes, they changed the name in v. 2.4) and Jetico Personal Firewall.
After tried Pc Tools Firewall (that is really mild and nice) I'm trying Comodo Firewall Pro. Why? Because... in the latest version 2.4 they have a translation in my portuguese language (and with a very good translation)...
And Jetico? It seems to be appreciable - TeeJay3800'advise. Nevertheless (like rridgely thought) Jetico Support say here that "JPF v2 will be shareware".
Bye Jetico!
I use Comodo firewall but I am finding it interferes with alot of my programs even though I set it to allow. I dont think I will be switching firewalls anytime soon but I will wait and see what Jetico has to offer. I think my motherboard has a hardware firewall, but I dont use it, was wondering if any of you think those firewalls are any good.