This has been a bad day having to deal with the passing of a dear friend and I guess this is alright to place a few words about the Japan tragedy. It has had a profound effect on me having worked on constructing a nuclear power plant. We jokingly called the hyperboloid cooling towers corsets and hourglasses.
That said this is such a sad event words are difficult to muster. First of all are the losses of so many lives and devastation is hard to deal with. A special tribute is due to those responders who have placed themselves in such peril trying to save and recover victims.
Then there are the seventy or so who are at the center of the damage exposing themselves to radiation limits far exceeding acceptable dosages. Sorry if any toes are stepped on but the real heroes are not the ball players, golf pros, race car drivers, movie stars, those raising the most political contributions and the like. The genuine heroes are the former people who are where they are, giving of themselves above and beyond.
Paraphrasing a biblical passage that no greater man is he who lay his life down for another I feel is appropriate. What ever is one's greater entity or higher power would you good folks and dear friends of this forum join me and extend wishes to those who are less fortunate than we.
I do not have much to contribute technically as my skills lie elsewhere. This is my offering at this time and I hope it is received well.
To All, Your Friend,
I concur.
You worked on a power plant? That must've been very interesting!
Sadly, this is something that could happen to us as well.
We have a number of power plants like Japans, & if an earthquake hit us, we could be faced with the same.
Let us hope we will be brave like them & be able to be as strong as they.
It is time the leaders of all countries put aside the differences, & let us all embrace the unity of the world as we realize the fact that we are all one family.
The human family.
Why can't we all just love each other & do away with borders?
I concur.
You worked on a power plant? That must've been very interesting!
Hi Win,
I wanted to reply to you sooner but had an interruption. If you're interested I'd be glad to PM with you about some experiences and avoid boring everyone.
Sadly, this is something that could happen to us as well.
We have a number of power plants like Japans, & if an earthquake hit us, we could be faced with the same.
Let us hope we will be brave like them & be able to be as strong as they.
It is time the leaders of all countries put aside the differences, & let us all embrace the unity of the world as we realize the fact that we are all one family.
The human family.
Why can't we all just love each other & do away with borders?
Hi Super,
I couldn't have said it any better. Can I hear a big "Amen"
We have a number of power plants like Japans, & if an earthquake hit us, we could be faced with the same.
I personally think we'd be even worse! I have no trust in governments doing anything responsibly quick enough to save people and anyone thinking otherwise with "blind faith" need only remember Hurricane Katrina. Basically if anything happens you're pretty much on your own to save yourself!
The only "saving grace" if it were to happen in the U.S. is the country is so huge geographically so getting away from the radiation "might be easier" - being very mindful of which way the jetstream flows though.
Warlock, it is bad enough for those who do not know anyone involved in this great tragedy, just watching and listening the the sad news reports, one can only offer our prayers & thoughts to those involved and those who are associated/related/friends with those that have suffered.
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Radiation - is bad enough, but for those who managed to survive such horrors appear to now are suffering from hunger. This to me is very hard to understand, as I always thought of Japan as an affluent cashed up country. However all the detailed news reports I have seen today (Sunday 20th March) are reporting that most people sheltering in Government centers are only given 1 bowl of rice per day to eat. On top of this problem it's bloody winter time with the temp dropping down to minus 5 to minus 10 at night.
It is truly a very sad time.
These tragedy's invariably seem to happen at a time when the weather can add its dreadful contribution to the suffering already being experienced.
What on earth do you do when everything has been destroyed? We can't imagine having no food, heating and lighting, bathing and toilet facilities etc etc.
The things we all take for granted every day. So sad.
The things we all take for granted every day.
That's the major problem of living in our "modern world" of depending on stuff to magically appear out of thin air like food on grocery store shelves, water from the tap, etc., it doesn't take much for a large enough natural disaster to endanger many people.