January Desktops

Here is my curren't one for my laptop:


I've been playing with ubuntu on it. :D

Its better than my last encounter with linux but not perfect. It doesn't want to bad but not everything is working just right.(yet)

Things that aren't working:

WPA Encrypted WIFI

Sound Card

Maybe more I haven't noticed yet.

But it will boot up and it runs pretty snappy. I have automatix up but I'm pretty disapointed with the software included.

Its all outdated and even the stuff in the add/remove menu is old versions.

Once I get everything working, find a decent audio program that can play wma lossless and has good library support(like winamp or WMP 10), and get more familier with it I might just make it the only OS on this computer.

I just feel I need to get more aquainted with it because either linux or OSX will be on the next computer I buy. I will not be using vista.

You will not be using Vista?


You'll be redundant around these parts one day then, as people progress from XP to Vista, which will happen, it might take years but it will happen. :P

I cant say it won't be used ever but it will not be on my own PCs for a long looong time. I had the chance to use a PC that was running one of the later betas three days ago and I just wasn't impressed. The look and feel just didn't suit me. Put that with the predicted DRM crap that they will be implimenting and I will just pass. :P

I was already pretty much in the process of migrating over. I was using openoffice, firefox, VLC and all these other alternatives and the only thing that was really tieing me down to windows is willingness to actually switch and my media collection.(I have so much of my stuff in WMA lossless. :( I'm really regreting that move. <_< )

I've had ubuntu on this laptop for 2 days and it hasn't crashed and its about as easy to use as windows.(it reminds me of OSX and windows combined. Its ugly and structured like windows but the "explorer" like manager is very much like osx.

new one today. i got a new wallpaper with the Ace of Spades(the best card out there). i also got my foobie looking like WMP11. it's not that great since i stripped a lot of code from the original layout(it used to be 308 lines and now it's 55) but i like it. i should add bitrate and stuff like that though...






Put that with the predicted DRM crap that they will be implimenting and I will just pass.

i recently read on Slashdot(they had an article about the DRM stuff) that Vista will corrupt your unprotected files and it will prevent programs from playing the un-protected programs back...


Ok back to xp I go. :D

My headphone and mike jacks wouldn't work with ubuntu. Since I use headphones 90% of the time I use my laptop it was a problem. :D

(Plus I had to reformat to get that dumb grub boot loader thing off my system. <_< )

new one today. i got a new wallpaper with the Ace of Spades(the best card out there). i also got my foobie looking like WMP11. it's not that great since i stripped a lot of code from the original layout(it used to be 308 lines and now it's 55) but i like it. i should add bitrate and stuff like that though...






i recently read on Slashdot(they had an article about the DRM stuff) that Vista will corrupt your unprotected files and it will prevent programs from playing the un-protected programs back...

JohnDemolition, thats an awesome desktop! What did you use to get that thing on the top with all the shortcuts in a cool thing like that? I love the look of that!

that would be my dock. right now, i use RK Launcher(latest nightly build) and it's working great here. i also use a skin called RealDock.


First this year :)



and it's a good one as usual :)


new one today. i found a very good wallpaper which i edited to suit my needs. well, the only thing i edited was all the Dimmu Borgir logos so that it would look nicer and that's about it. anyways, here it is :).





btw, please don't think that i'm a satanist :)



. : | Guikit Theme | : . Cold 1.2 - Modded by Rissol and a little bit by me

. : | Wallpaper | : . Dawn On The Deck by =l8

. : | Icons | : . Various icons from different packages and by authors.

. : | Preview Border | : . By Roike - Thanks man!

. : | Friday Night Guests | : . Maria and Alexis :D

. : | Muzik | : . The Logical Song by Scooter


. : | Guikit Theme | : . Cold 1.2 - Modded by Rissol and a little bit by me

. : | Wallpaper | : . Dawn On The Deck by =l8

. : | Icons | : . Various icons from different packages and by authors.

. : | Preview Border | : . By Roike - Thanks man!

. : | Friday Night Guests | : . Maria and Alexis :D

. : | Muzik | : . The Logical Song by Scooter

NICE!!! That's all I have to say.
I've been playing with ubuntu on it. :D

Its better than my last encounter with linux but not perfect. It doesn't want to bad but not everything is working just right.(yet)

Then be sure to try out the latest versions whenever that be. Ubuntu I think is released every 6 months.

It has a great community, (wiki, chat, forums, documentation, how-to, support requests, guides, mailing-lists, faq), etc that you can get help from if there is something that doesn't work just right, or if you wonder something. Maybe there is other people with same issues as you.

Guess WPA works.

(Plus I had to reformat to get that dumb grub boot loader thing off my system. <_< )

Boot loaders are stored in either the boot sector or in the MBR (Master Boot Record).

All you had todo was to run either "fixmbr", or "fixboot" in the Windows recovery console.

i also got my foobie looking like WMP11. it's not that great since i stripped a lot of code from the original layout(it used to be 308 lines and now it's 55) but i like it. i should add bitrate and stuff like that though...


Wanna share your foobar2000 config/skin/theme/layout/whatever?

NICE!!! That's all I have to say.

Thanks a lot man :D

Wanna share your foobar2000 config/skin/theme/layout/whatever?

i recently lost it :(. i got tired of it since i found a better one that works for me. however, i do remember giving it to someone so if i can get in touch with him, then i could get him to send me the config :)

i recently lost it :(. i got tired of it since i found a better one that works for me. however, i do remember giving it to someone so if i can get in touch with him, then i could get him to send me the config :)

You shouldn't loose stuff you've put time down to make, should keep backup of stuff like that.