itunes EMI deal,2933,263249,00.html

This is a step in the right direction for non DRMed legal downloads. :)

If this becomes standard I may just buy an ipod. (256kb aac isn't bad, but I would still prefer lossless formats(apple even has their own).)

At least is seems like someone is finally "getting it". Why would someone buy songs legally if they expire when they could get them for free and have them last forever!(I'm not sure about itunes, but I know walmarts songs expire after 30 or 60 days). The only bad part of this is it costs 20c more, but I would happily pay that.

This was mentioned earlier on Hydrogenaudio here.

At least is seems like someone is finally "getting it".

I believe it's the culmination of the wishes of Steve Jobs, and perhaps other people who have even the slightest clue.

In any event I won't purchase any lossy music regardless of the quality claims or facts! If I'm going to spend as much as I would on an audio CD I might as well just buy the CD which contains the fullest quality lossless versions which I can encode to the format of my choosing.

Yeah don't even waste your time with iTunes - just buy the CD. And if you're so concerned with DRM... well perhaps you should buy from different labels to begin with. Andavari knows what I'm talking about!

I do still buy cds, but there are always those times when you hear a cool song and you want it now. :P

If I could get lossless drmless downloads, then I would be much happier with my compulsive buys. :lol:

As soon as those other lables start giving me bands like the beatles and the rolling stones I'll be all over it, but untill then I think I'll stick with the big guys. :D

And if you're so concerned with DRM... well perhaps you should buy from different labels to begin with. Andavari knows what I'm talking about!

Yeah, I haven't any DRM'd CDs in my collection, and should I by chance ever buy one I'll promptly return it claiming it's damaged and demand a refund.

Most of the audio CDs I buy are from the most part underground, and not very well known rare and possibly unheard of European and American record labels that have banded together to sell their merchandise cooperatively. They send out some huge mail order catalog about once a year, and most of those record labels barely have enough money to stay afloat let alone pissing off their consumer with some DRM'd laced s**t.