iTunes : Backups & logs

iTunes keeps a lot of unnecessary files :angry:

in "user profile"\Application Data\Apple Computer

like "iPhone Software Updates" (400 MB) and MobileSync\Backup (200 MB)

Can CCleaner delete all these unnecessary files ?

Thank you for your help

iTunes keeps a lot of unnecessary files :angry:

in "user profile"\Application Data\Apple Computer

like "iPhone Software Updates" (400 MB) and MobileSync\Backup (200 MB)

Can CCleaner delete all these unnecessary files ?

Thank you for your help

Hello and welcome to the forum. CCleaner allows you to manually add custom files/folders for cleaning.

Options - Include

Then ccleaner - windows - advanced - check custom files and folders

Delete iTunes temporary files in CCleaner.

There are well over 100 million Apple devices that use iTunes according to Apple. I'd guess that more than a few of those people also enjoy keeping their system tidy with CCleaner like myself. It may be a market to consider - cleaning iTunes automatically without using the manual method above, which is not comfortable for many users. CCleaner can also use its great 'Delete older than 24 hour option' here.

Google searches show lots of people complaining about GB's of temporary files.

Locations of log files (mostly sync) with iTunes in Windows 7:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Logs\*.log

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Updater Logs\*.log

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\<username>\CrashReporter\MobileDevice\<old crash reports>

In addition to the temporary iTunes conversion files throughout:

C:\Users\<username>\(My )Music\iTunes

If there are errors or iTunes is having problems with plug-ins, then it appears to stop cleaning the temporary files on its own.

Thank you for your consideration!

So you'd like

[Apple Application Logs]
DetectFile=%AppData%\Apple Computer\
FileKey1=%AppData%\Apple Computer\logs|*.log

[iTunes Logs*]
DetectFile=%AppData%\Apple Computer\iTunes
FileKey1=%AppData%\Apple Computer\iTunes|*.log|RECURSE

[iTunes Temp Files*]
DetectFile=%AppData%\Apple Computer\iTunes
FileKey1=%UserProfile%\My Documents\My Music\iTunes|*.tmp|RECURSE

Just copy these into Winapp2.ini (if you don't have a winapp2.ini, copy these into a file and name it winapp2.ini then put it in you CCleaner directory.

As for the crash reports, do they have a specific file extension? If not an entry can't be created for them.

That?s awesome! Thank you.

With your response inspiration, I did some more research and testing deeper into this. The first item [Apple Application Logs] takes care of all the log files. For the second item [iTunes Logs*] it appears that all of the files and subfolders in the CrashReporter can be removed to speed up the iTunes sync. During testing I found the CrashReporter recreates the MobileDevice sub folder when it runs.

So the second item could be for the CrashReporter and it would delete all files and sub folders older than 24 hours inside the folder:

C:\Users\< username >\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Logs\CrashReporter\*.*

Is it also possible to remove all the files except for the most recent file (similar to the CCleaner keep most recent System Restore function) in:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates\

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Updates\

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPad Software Updates\


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