It's my Birthday Today!

Hi guys,

Well, I'm 20 now. Need to be 21 to drink but I can buy beer though at least but whoever I was the drinking and drug smoking type? Heck no. Well, whish me a happ B-Day today alright? I'm going to see "The Number 23" this afternoon and Jim Carrey stars in it. One of my Fav. Actors.

:DHappy Birthday New_Age :D

Happy Birthday! :D

Happy Birthday New_Age!


Happy Birthday! :)

Happy Birthday! :D

Have a really great day :)

Happy Birthday! :)


wudnt bother going to see The Number 23,its getting really bad reviews.happy bday though, went to amsterdam with some mates for my 21st ;)


Congratulations Happy Birthday

Good times bro! In Canada you only have to be 18 to drink......:)

Thx everyone. The Number 23 wasn't a total waste. My GF and I thought Jim Carrey played a great part in the Movie. We had fun. My brother gave me a present and he took us all bowling. I was 2nd place lol. I had a great B-Day. Thx guys.

Good times bro! In Canada you only have to be 18 to drink......:)
I don't drink and I knew that.

Good for you New Age. Best to not acquire unneeded habits while you are young.

I dont drink anymore either. :)

Happy Birthday from everyone at Piriform! :D

Happy Belated Birthday New Age ! :)