It is obvious that this is a half hearted attempt.

It is quite obvious to me that this CCleaner browser is a half hearted attempt by the developers to have a Chromium browser just like the big boys have. Posts in this group are not being responded to at all in a timely fashion and they are quite frankly not being responded to or acted upon at all. The favicon issue is one example. We need favicons for websites to be shown. Are they yet ? I do not plan on installing this browser again until there is confirmation that they are now showing.

I agree.

But I’m going to keep using it on my laptop and desktop. I would use it on my iPhone as well but there is no IOS version of the ccleaner browser.

I don't use it, (I mostly use Firefox with MBG for extra security).

And I think that may be the problem here. And I think that it's valid criticism.

This is a user help forum above all else, so that users can help each other. With some input from Piroform staff when needed.

If the usually knowledgable CCleaner users are not using the browser then they (we?) can't help with it.

I have flagged this thread up to the staff.

It's always nice to get some sort of reply from those involved, even if it's "No, that's not possible." or "We'll take that into consideration." otherwise it feels like we're being told to "F--k Off, no one cares about your issues".

Any group that actually cares about their product will respond in a timely manner

i understand you, it happens to me

So here I am over a year later. I once again installed the browser to have a look as I saw that it was updated on a software website that I follow. Has anything changed ?

12 hours ago, Racerbob said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		So here I am over a year later. I once again installed the browser to have a look as I saw that it was updated on a software website that I follow. Has anything changed ?

Well there's been probably about a dozen or so update releases since then so there'd be quite a list. Anything in particular that you're looking for?

With regards to the favicons, those are certainly there:


Add me to the list. Additionally, the lack of a clear and transparent privacy policy which has [also] been criticized by many [professional] reviewers/experts online is a concern. This is just a half-arsed AVAST browser.

The browser adds two cookies to your browser every time you open it, and you can't blacklist them. I created a thread for this issue.

I don't think this browser is secure. Fingerprinting sometimes works, other times it doesn't despite changing the settings to strict.

Well I have been using the browser exclusively for the past few weeks. It is fast and yes, the favicon issue has been resolved. I am overall pleased with it. I see that it is not promoted hardly at all by the Piriform people. It runs the extensions that I need to use from the Chrome store also. Not much else to say right now except to ask about how often this browser is being updated to newer Chromium versions and does auto-updating happen. Right now since I have had it installed again, I have manually checked for updates in the settings and it did tell me once that a new version was available. So I am running Version 96.1.13589.113 (Official Build) (64-bit) right now.

wondering why Chromium/ Chrome refuses to have a setting so that you can have *permanent private browsing* for all new tabs. Firefox does it. it might not be the greatest browser but i feel more secure because i can select "PPB" and each new tab opens in https. i was thinking about using CCleaner browser but with me having to select private browsing for each new tab, time wasted!! fix this and i will consider. thanks