Issues section

In the "Issues" Section I have the following listings:

Problem: Missing shared dll

Data: C:\program files\iPod\bin\iPodservice.resources\da.lproj\ipodservicelocalized.dll

Registry Key:HKLM\software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Shared dlls

Problem: Activex/com Issue

Data: GoogleTalk,Talk Friend->A8F086C3-297-82fe-586F2D

Registry Key:HKCR\Google Talk.TalkFriend

What is this telling me? How did they get picked up as a problem when I have never visited these sites or had iPod or GoogleTalk service? Should I remove by clicking "Fix selected issues"

Hi mac, and welcome to the forum.

Regarding your first query, do you, or have you had, iTunes on your pc? The iPod program files folder is created by iTunes before an iPod is ever connected.

The GoogleTalk thing I have no idea about, although it could possibly have been attached to one of a thousand things in Googles ongoing attempt to take over the world.

One of the other guys may know where it came from if you want to wait for another response.

I think you should be perfectly fine deleting those keys, although make sure you make a backup when prompted by the CCleaner dialogue.