Issues Scanning Freezeup

I'm using CCleaner v.120.118 on a Pentium III 550 mHz computer with 256 mB of RAM, running WIN XP SP2.

When I try to 'scan for issues', the scan progresses about 80% complete and then the computer freezes up; I need to cold start it to recover.

Thanks; any help would be appreciated!

I noticed it this on my Windows ME computer. It gets to 80% and my computer is nonresponsive, but if I wait a min or 2. It finishes and everything is fine...

I can also say that this has happened. A fresh boot does not cause this problem. Happens with both Cleaning and Issues.

I noticed it this on my Windows ME computer. It gets to 80% and my computer is nonresponsive, but if I wait a min or 2. It finishes and everything is fine...

Waiting didn't help in my case; I went out for awhile and, 2 hours later, had to reboot.

the same problem ALWAYS hapenn to me

whem the scanning is about 32%,the computer freeze and i have to restart

my computer is athlom xp 2700+256mb memory and i using windowsxp sp2

thank you

Has anyone thought to wait long enough? Give it 10 minutes. Walk away and come back later. I bet you it was just working hard ;P