Is this the normal speed?

Hi all,

I'm finding Defraggler gets really slow on my PC. Its been on 41% for a couple of days, even though it is still trudging through its defrag file-by-file.

The PC has been on for 190+ hours and still its nowhere near completion. If I restart Defraggler, it whips through to about 39% then really slows down. The analysis shows 47% defragmentation.

I do have a pretty large RAID - 2x500Mb disks, each with a mirror under Vista 64bit.

At the moment, I have 323Gb in use, 608Gb free.

It sorted my 60Gb laptop no problem.

Thanks, WR.

Hi all,

I'm finding Defraggler gets really slow on my PC. Its been on 41% for a couple of days, even though it is still trudging through its defrag file-by-file.

The PC has been on for 190+ hours and still its nowhere near completion. If I restart Defraggler, it whips through to about 39% then really slows down. The analysis shows 47% defragmentation.

I do have a pretty large RAID - 2x500Mb disks, each with a mirror under Vista 64bit.

At the moment, I have 323Gb in use, 608Gb free.

It sorted my 60Gb laptop no problem.

Thanks, WR.

It seems the secret is to remove your system restore files first.....

the same thing here windows vista 64 and it stops? do nothing? for 4 ouwers and by 24% :unsure:


I'm having the same problem [running Vista /sp1 64bit and even downloaded and installed their new release that came out today] but after 24 hours I decided to kill the defrag since it sat at 40% for about 18 hours. I'm going to try the defrag that came with Vista - not that it has the best reputation but can it possibly be any worse?

Sure wish the Piriform team who wrote CrapCleaner would have written and tested Defraggler, but then again, you get what you pay for.

Good luck,


i used another defrag program prior to defraggler, but thought i would try it as i love ccleaner. i have a 500gig sata slave drive with my games on, i ran previous defrag, less than 3 seconds all done, ran defraggler took 3 hours!

fair enough maybe it was doing a though job.

out of curiosity, i ran defraggler straight after, obviously no changes to the drive.... took 3 hours again??

and a other thing red means fragmented,way it stays fragmented afther i run the program??

my other 2 disk's al the red is turnt in bloe/bleu and in whan line/ all together,

and still my windows c disk is a lithel blue/bloe in whan line/together,, buth still i goth a loth of fragmented/red dots random on my c disk,more as half my disk stays random red???buth defraggler say ith is finnist,, :huh:

ps windows vista say the same thing???? :huh:

I ran periform Defraggler.. started at 8 in the morning and by night, not finished... let it run all night and by morning, it still was not finished.. what is wrong... I tried to uninstall it but it would not let me uninstal... Any idea as to how I can get rid of it.. I hate it and feel it is what is causing trouble on my computer

I ran periform Defraggler.. started at 8 in the morning and by night, not finished... let it run all night and by morning, it still was not finished.. what is wrong... I tried to uninstall it but it would not let me uninstal... Any idea as to how I can get rid of it.. I hate it and feel it is what is causing trouble on my computer

You have already posted about this here, please keep your problem in one thread.