I've been defragging for the past fifteen minutes and it is only 3% done so far. This is my first time using Drefraggler. Is this speed normal? Also, if I have to turn my computer off or something, would it harm it if I stopped or paused the defrag process?
would it harm it if I stopped or paused the defrag process?
It won't harm anything. It will be just partially defragged.
Edit: You have a lot of free space (76%), that is very good. So good, in fact you won't notice much (if any) performance improvement after a defrag.
Mine is 54% fragged and my free space amounts to 74%. I've never noticed an improvement after defrag, so I quit defragging about five or six months ago.
I can't explain why your defrag is taking so long. Mine was always very fast.
The first time usually does take longer but here are some suggestions that might speed things up-
1. Turn off System Restore. If you're not sure how just Google it and you'll find all you need to know for your operating system. This will delete all the old restore points. You can then turn it back on and create a new restore point. You shoul notice that some space has been freed up on the drive.
2. Make sure Defraggler isn't set to move any large files to the end of the drive as this can slow things down. Look in Settings>Options>Defrag. With all the free space you have there shouldn't really be any need to move anything to the end of the drive.
3. Run Defraggler is Safe Mode. Restart your computer and press F8 while it's starting up. Some people say that Safe Mode is actually slower but I've had good results with Defraggler in Safe Mode. Not sure why that is; it seems to be able to move stuff easier.