It keeps logging me out of GMail and I really don't need that. Takes 4 or 5 clicks to log back in to Google and then go to GMail.
I've tried allowing all google cookies, but that doesn't seem to do it. So instead of uninstalling, I wonder if there's a way to just make it stop... otherwise I'll have to uninstall.
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I've tried allowing all google cookies,
Are you using Health Check or Custom Clean?
Health Check does it's own thing and takes no notice of any custom settings like 'Cookies to Keep', you have to use Custom Clean for the custom settings to be used.
When you say CCleaner "keeps logging me out of GMail" do you mean when you run CCleaner yourself, or is it doing it automatically when you close your browser?
Which browser are you using?
If it's cleaning automatically when you close the browser then you can change the option for that browser in Smart Cleaning, or turn Smart Cleaning off for all browsers, or even turn it off altogether.
If you are already using Custom Clean then try unticking cookies altogether for your browser.
If with that unticked CCleaner Custom Clean is still logging you out then that will show it's not clearing the cookies doing it, and it's time to look eleswhere.
Possibly 'Saved Passwords' or 'Saved form information.
See if this article helps with staying logged into your google account, and if you stay logged into your google account then you should be automatically logged into your Gmail account as soon as you open it: