Is There A Way To Change Install Location

Hi folks,

Please don't bang on me to hard, I am old and slow.

What I am looking for is a way to change the location the CCleaner installs. I have a SSD drive as my C; drive. It is a bit full and I am trying to load certain applications to my G: drive. It is a bit slower but by putting it here I can better controll my space allocation.

I am true about the part up at the begining. Turning 65 this year, things don't compute as fast with a brain in pain most of the time. I can't stay on long, the pain is sort of thrown to the bacxkground when online. It doesn't last long but it is better than no relief at all.

Milt Lane

Hiya Milt :)

You can install it to another location via the advanced settings in the installer.




I use the Portable variant which is the second item down on


For each and ever application that I use I always prefer the "Portable" variant which I can place on a separate drive,

and when Windows self-destructs (an ever present danger) it normally does not damage the other drives,

so I only have to reinstate Windows and do not need to reload the Portable applications.