but i'm using CCleaner since many years and why only now it happens this very strange behaviour..??!!..
also some versions ago there was a very similar bug infact they promptly update the tool..
probably also now a bug has come to CCleaner..
thanks again!
I don't know this to be a fact, just my guess that it was just hidden in those other versions. Those files are going to be replaced each time they're deleted. You could delete them 100 times in a row and the very next time they're needed and not there Windows just puts a fresh copy back. They truly are nothing to worry about. Even if you use a heavy weight file removal tool like Unlocker (use with extreme caution if you don't know what you're deleting then don't use it), those files will still come back each time.
Your best bet is to run CCleaner and then reboot. After that you can rest assured that the system has had a good cleaning.
I don't know this to be a fact, just my guess that it was just hidden in those other versions. Those files are going to be replaced each time they're deleted. You could delete them 100 times in a row and the very next time they're needed and not there Windows just puts a fresh copy back. They truly are nothing to worry about. Even if you use a heavy weight file removal tool like Unlocker (use with extreme caution if you don't know what you're deleting then don't use it), those files will still come back each time.
Your best bet is to run CCleaner and then reboot. After that you can rest assured that the system has had a good cleaning.
..the very strange thing is that i'm using this last newest vers since it has been issued..and only from some days ago is appear this very strange behaviour..so it is not only a matter of the old vers that hide it..also this new since some days ago really do not show this..
..the very strange thing is that i'm using this last newest vers since it has been issued..and only from some days ago is appear this very strange behaviour..so it is not only a matter of the old vers that hide it..also this new since some days ago really do not show this..
Hopefully this will be my last response in this matter. I'm sorry that I can't communicate this clearly enough. These files will always come back automatically once they are deleted, and it simply does not matter how they are deleted, or by what means, program, or method, they are deleted. If you use a program like CCleaner, or if you delete them manually, they will ALWAYS come back since they are needed by Windows in order to function properly. It's not any strange behavior that they come back, that is the way Microsoft designed Windows to function.
If you still don't understand what I'm telling you, maybe you could fill in your location information in your profile such as what country you live in, and what language you normally speak. Or at least post it when you respond next time. This is a very good forum, and there are people who are advanced users that use CCleaner from all around the world who might be able, and happy, to translate for you.
Hopefully this will be my last response in this matter. I'm sorry that I can't communicate this clearly enough. These files will always come back automatically once they are deleted, and it simply does not matter how they are deleted, or by what means, program, or method, they are deleted. If you use a program like CCleaner, or if you delete them manually, they will ALWAYS come back since they are needed by Windows in order to function properly. It's not any strange behavior that they come back, that is the way Microsoft designed Windows to function.
If you still don't understand what I'm telling you, maybe you could fill in your location information in your profile such as what country you live in, and what language you normally speak. Or at least post it when you respond next time. This is a very good forum, and there are people who are advanced users that use CCleaner from all around the world who might be able, and happy, to translate for you.
now it really seems that they are desappeared..!!..so now i have the same behavior from CCleaner that i have in the past..so probably i am not able to explain my matter well to you!!
any way all is well that's ends well shakespeare said!!
I'm wondering if this kind of issues can be related to the different Windows localizations,
as i mentioned in this thread some time ago: Forum Link
Please notice the paths reported by the (italian) OP:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Impostazioni locali\Temp\History\History.IE5\desktop.ini 145 byte
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Impostazioni locali\Temp\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\desktop.ini 67 byte
I bet that CCleaner is looking for Local Settings, there
Sorry, i can't do further investigations since i keep my Internet Cache in a different non-default location.
i have really do not understand..i'm not an expert on pc..and also in english..but i see yr link and i realize that if i do start run %commonappdata% and ok i have an error..not a folder..
anyway sa i have said now,incredibly,CCleaner has became as in the past and clean all i have on my pc..i can not really tell you why but now CCleaner,and i underline i have not do anything,works really fine..
i have really do not understand..i'm not an expert on pc..and also in english..but i see yr link and i realize that if i do start run %commonappdata% and ok i have an error..not a folder..
anyway sa i have said now,incredibly,CCleaner has became as in the past and clean all i have on my pc..i can not really tell you why but now CCleaner,and i underline i have not do anything,works really fine..
who knows??!!..
Sono le cosiddette variabili di ambiente. Per esempio, %Programfiles% su un Windows localizzato in italiano corrisponde alla
posizione C:\Programmi, su un Windows localizzato in inglese a C:\Program Files, su uno spagnolo C:\Archivos de Programas,
e cosi' via. Ragion per cui quando noi italiani installiamo un programma va a posizionarsi nella directory C:\Programmi, anche
se e' fatto in USA, non so se mi spiego. Ora, per qualche strano motivo, ho riscontrato che alcune variabili di ambiente usate
anche (ma non solo) da CCleaner non erano impostate sul mio Windows. E questo provocava la mancata pulizia di alcuni programmi
che usano queste variabili nel percorso di winapp.ini e winapp2.ini.
(sorry, english translation by babelfish)
They are so-called environment variables. As an example, %Programfiles% on a Windows localized in Italian correspond to the C:\Programmi position, on a Windows localized in English to C:\Program Files, on a Spanish C:\Archivos de Programas, and so on. Ragion for which when Italian we install a program it goes to locate itself in directory C:\Programmi, even if iit's made in USA, I do not know if I explain myself. Now, for some strange reason, I have found that some environment variables used also (but not only) by CCleaner were not set up on my Windows. And this provoked the lacked cleansing some programs that use these variable ones in the paths of winapp.ini and winapp2.ini.
Sono le cosiddette variabili di ambiente. Per esempio, %Programfiles% su un Windows localizzato in italiano corrisponde alla
posizione C:\Programmi, su un Windows localizzato in inglese a C:\Program Files, su uno spagnolo C:\Archivos de Programas,
e cosi' via. Ragion per cui quando noi italiani installiamo un programma va a posizionarsi nella directory C:\Programmi, anche
se e' fatto in USA, non so se mi spiego. Ora, per qualche strano motivo, ho riscontrato che alcune variabili di ambiente usate
anche (ma non solo) da CCleaner non erano impostate sul mio Windows. E questo provocava la mancata pulizia di alcuni programmi
che usano queste variabili nel percorso di winapp.ini e winapp2.ini.
(sorry, english translation by babelfish)
They are so-called environment variables. As an example, %Programfiles% on a Windows localized in Italian correspond to the C:\Programmi position, on a Windows localized in English to C:\Program Files, on a Spanish C:\Archivos de Programas, and so on. Ragion for which when Italian we install a program it goes to locate itself in directory C:\Programmi, even if iit's made in USA, I do not know if I explain myself. Now, for some strange reason, I have found that some environment variables used also (but not only) by CCleaner were not set up on my Windows. And this provoked the lacked cleansing some programs that use these variable ones in the paths of winapp.ini and winapp2.ini.
e riguardo al mio problema-3d..??..cosa avrei dovuto fare..??..
mi guideresti passo passo??!!..non sono esperto..!!
I have found that some environment variables used also (but not only) by CCleaner were not set up on my Windows. And this provoked the lacked cleansing some programs that use these variable ones in the paths of winapp.ini and winapp2.ini.
At the moment the only solution I can think of would be new CC features:
1. Locate the environment variables on a system via the registry, and store them in a CC INI file.
2. Allow end users to browse to the correct paths of some folders for their language of Windows, and again store those in that INI file.
If that's possible (I don't know if it is) that INI file could override incorrect locations for different localizations of Windows in other languages without having to fully rewrite cleaning routines.
If that's possible (I don't know if it is) that INI file could override incorrect locations for different localizations of Windows in other languages without having to fully rewrite cleaning routines.
I wonder if that would help for double byte languages like Chinese and Japanese?