it is safe to erase that folder? about 22-23 mb total
and that file
it is safe to erase that folder? about 22-23 mb total
and that file
I delete that folder and quite a few other files/folders as well using Bold Fortune's slimming XP guide.
You shouldn't really be deleting any system files/folders unless you have a decent backup such as ghost images.
Yup, safe to delete unless you want to 'Tour Windows XP', I always delete it. Also, from the Slimming XP guide, delete the file that belongs to it in C:\WINDOWS\system32 - tourstart.exe
I would advise caution though if you try to follow the Bold Fortune guide above though, it's towards the extreme end of removing stuff (I have gone through it and accidentally caused issues removing stuff that seemed safe)
Some of that guide is worth a read whether you intend to do any of this stuff or not.
It explains really clearly the dangers of removing something belonging directly to one particular program, without knowing the number of other programs which also rely on that same "something", to function properly.
thanks for answers, now i am sure it is safe to delete that files, but;
when i erase tour.exe it seems windows erase, but it turns back after 3 seconds,
mmTour folder windows not allow me to erase that
is it strange?
C:\WINDOWS\system32\tourstart.exe is coming back after restart
and it seems Bold Fortune's favorite thing is erasing windows files lol ^^
c:\>deltree *.*
but thanks that man for that guide too, there is much useful informations
Some of that guide is worth a read whether you intend to do any of this stuff or not.
It explains really clearly the dangers of removing something belonging directly to one particular program, without knowing the number of other programs which also rely on that same "something", to function properly.
Yes but some if it is not as relatively safe as he gives the impression. For example he gives no real warning about deleting Windows $hf_mig$ folder but that has caused unrepairable (without a Windows reinstall) Windows Update issues when I've tried. As well as something else he mentions being safe to delete breaking an MS Office installation and causing strange behaviour in general.
Quote Bold Fortune:
One very important step before we set about deleting files together.
Create a full system backup image using a good backup program like Acronis or Ghost.
This backup image should be of a full install of XP. It should include all of your programs, drivers, setting changes, and tweaks applied...everything you normally do to make your Windows experience an enjoyable one.
So now when you set about deleting files, you'll always have a the perfect safeguard. And you should never have to say on a forum, "I deleted this, and now that doesn't work!"
Well, revert back to your backup image, and don't delete that anymore.
I don't implement Bold's full guide and I have made my own batch file to delete what I think is safe enough using the deltree command.
Bold's batch files don't actually delete any files as they are moved to a backup folder that can be easily copied and pasted back just in case.
I have incorporated a failsafe feature into my batch files.
Files and folders will be moved and saved (Not deleted permanently. Later that will be up to you.) to a backup folder on C:\. The backup folder is simply named "Backup".
Within the Backup folder, you will find the files and folders you removed, in smart placement. Their order of appearance will be identical to how XP's files and folders appear on your C Drive.
When you remove files and folders from the WINDOWS and system32 directories, in the Backup folder you will first see a WINDOWS folder. Within the WINDOWS folder you will see the individual files and subfolders you removed, including the system32 folder. And within the system32 folder you will see its individual files and subfolders you removed. The same applies to the Documents and Settings and the Program Files directories.
Nevertheless still good to have images as complete backups which I have had to use on a few occassions.LOL
XP Lite & nLite say you can take out see at >