Is it really deleting unused space?


My girlfriend was recently going through the search option on my computer in vista, she saw old pictures of my ex and I. I deleted these pictures a long time ago but they are still there, I know windows only deletes connection to the file and then writes over the file at a later date. I ran CCleaner, but when I go into seach hoping they were gone, they were still there. Am I doing something wrong? Is CCleaner what I need?

Best regards,


I think that a little more info is required before saying no. What are you, and your disgruntled girlfriend, using to see the old pics? If you have already deleted them then I shouldn't think that any search facility in Vista would show them. If they are in the recycler then they can be restored, but not seen as anything except a file name. The file names from the recycler can however be found using Explorer search facility. If the files are in the recycler just empty the recycler. (If you want to overwrite those files in the recycler then post here first.)

CC will delete, and overwrite if the relevant option is chosen, any temporary/log files etc on your pc. If your pic files have already been deleted then CC will not access them. If your pics are still live on disk, then move them into a new folder, add the folder to the Include section in CC, set CC to secure delete one overwrite, and run CC. The pics will have gone forever.

we just use the start menu search, i deleted them, then emptied the bin, they still show up when i search though, when i right click properties, it shows the original folder with the file not there, are they still in the bin somehow? do i have to write over them there?

I think that a little more info is required before saying no. What are you, and your disgruntled girlfriend, using to see the old pics? If you have already deleted them then I shouldn't think that any search facility in Vista would show them. If they are in the recycler then they can be restored, but not seen as anything except a file name. The file names from the recycler can however be found using Explorer search facility. If the files are in the recycler just empty the recycler. (If you want to overwrite those files in the recycler then post here first.)

CC will delete, and overwrite if the relevant option is chosen, any temporary/log files etc on your pc. If your pic files have already been deleted then CC will not access them. If your pics are still live on disk, then move them into a new folder, add the folder to the Include section in CC, set CC to secure delete one overwrite, and run CC. The pics will have gone forever.

Does whatever search finds say shortcut in the file type column? If so just right click on the filenames and chose delete.

If search says Recycle bin or C:\recycler.. in the Folder column then they are in the recycler, and the recycler should be emptied.

If it says some other folder then they should be in that folder. If whatever search points to isn't actually there then post back here.