I have a WordPress blog. Once I am logged in, it is not necessary to log in again when I have closed my PC. and reopen it.
I have to log in again, when CCleaner has cleaned my PC. After the last cleanup (with 537034 for the first time) I had also to log in again, but now I must log in everytime, also when I want to switch to another blog page on my some blog. Can this be caused by CCleaner and if so, what do I have to do?
Pieter, Netherlands
TBH, the behaviour you describe sounds more as if you have not ticked the 'Remember Me' when logging into Wordpress, or you are logging out of Wordpress before shutting down.
Most Websites/forums will log you out after a time spent inactive if you have not ticked 'Remember Me' when logging in.
Some will see you as inactive even when you are typing something into their editor.
If you are not changing pages they see you as inactive and log you out.
However to be sure it's not CCleaner doing this then-
Make sure that you have not ticked cleaning of 'Saved Passwords' for whichever browser you are using.
Then if it's still logging you out uncheck 'Saved Form Information' because some site logins are entered into a form.
If it's still logging you out after those then try moving the cookies for that site into 'Cookies to Keep'.
I'm sorry, nothing worked out till now. Nevertheless, thank you very much for your reaction.
I changed something in the cooky-settings in google-chrome. I also asked WordPress. I don't know what exactly happened, but everthing is all right now. The links you sent me: many thanks!