IS Defraggler working right?

I have Diskeeper, but decided to try this Defraggler today. After the defrag it shows way less fragmented files and total fragments, but shows the same percentage of fragmentation after as it had before.


Thanks for posting your screenshot, it helps diagnosis!


The reason for the high percentage is most likely the Sys Vol Info files in the center of the disk. Those files are protected and cannot be defragged by either Defraggler or Windows Defragger. They are invariably always fragmented, and there's nothing you can do to change that, except to maybe eliminate some of your older Restore Points with the aid of CCleaner's System Restore Management, thus lowering the percentage.

Other programs may show a lower percentage because they ignore the SVI in their count.

PS - I should add that you have so much free space you should have no performance issues with 14% frag, and due to updates and installs etc, SVI changes often.

Try to make a backup of your drive. Then, disable System Protection (that deletes Restore Points). Defrag drive (normal mode not quick) and after that, reboot and re-enable System Protection.

I thank both of you for your answsers, but neither of you answered the question I asked.

Why was there the same percentage of fragmentation after as there was before? It doesn't matter whether it was 14% or 30%. I wonder why it did not change at all after running the defrag process.

I apologize for misreading your statement: " - - shows the same percentage of fragmentation after as it had before."

- - why it did not change at all after running the defrag process.

Indubitably cos the defraggable files account for less than 1%. You still have ~14% from the massive SVI and protected system files.

OK, thanks. I think I got it through my head now. I guess this means that my Diskeeper program has been working and doing its job then. Thanks for your patience and help. Have a very good day.