Is CCleaning working correctly?

I run CC every night before I turn the computer.

I am using the NSA 7 Passes V2.36.1233

I have to run the CC program at least 5-7 times before it removes all the unnecessary bits and pieces.

Is this correct or am I doing something wrong.


I run CC every night before I turn the computer.

I am using the NSA 7 Passes V2.36.1233

I have to run the CC program at least 5-7 times before it removes all the unnecessary bits and pieces.

Is this correct or am I doing something wrong.


Hello and welcome to the forum. You need to give us more information. There are many clever people on piriform but unfortunately none of us are mind readers.

What files are not being removed on the first occasion? What is being removed on the second/third etc attempts. System OS can be useful.

Also do not waste your time with any thing other then one simple over write when erasing data.

Addition to what ident said above, make sure you have browsers closed while running CCleaner...

When I run CCleaner ever thing is closed down.

I tried to copy that info and it was pages of info just from the first run.

Do you want all the details or just the areas where this info is.

I am not a computer whiz so please excuse if I am not using all the correct terms.


If you do not know what you are doing the REGISTRY MUST NOT BE CLEANED.

That takes you into a whole new world of hurt,

and is known to clean items that are recognized as redundant,

and to omit cleaning of items which are still in use - just as it should.

UNFORTUNATELY some keys that ARE in use may be used by registry key XYZ,

and when XYZ is removed then the key that had been related becomes redundant and will be zapped when the registry is next cleaned.

I always clean the registry a second time to confirm that no "new" redundant keys are available to purge.

I rarely find anything - just once was enough,

but some people may need to purge 3 or more times before nothing else is found.

You would be well advised to refrain from touching the registry.

If you use the file cleaning section and ANALYZE you get a summary of what will be removed.

If you right click on that screen then choose "save to text file" you can accept or modify the default location,

and the saved file itemizes what will be deleted.

then hit the "Run Cleaner" button,

Then ANALYZE and save text again (to a different file)

The second file WILL tell us exactly what was not deleted at the first attempt.

The first file MAY be useful to show if CCleaner failed to see the above the first time round,

or if perhaps there is some restriction upon your ability to authorize deletions.

Attach these two files to your next post for further guidance.


Thank you for all those replies

I have no idea what has happpened (But it happened after the last big MS Update) it is cleaning every thing in one run.
