Today, how effective is Ccleaner in its most recent version, when used for wiping free space or an entire disk, against forensic techniques? I have read both opinions: YES(if used properly) AND NOT. But these opiniones were based on old ccleaner versions. What´s the answer today, and what´s the 'proper way of using'?

With time, money and effort as no factor for the analyst, there is only one way to beat forensic recovery.


If 'ccleaneruser_' doesn't return, I blame the NSA.

Blow torch, sledgehammer, etc.

Absolutely not. CCleaner's main purpose is to help free up space and allow your system to work a little more efficiently.

If you need to forensically clean a disk and do it with commercial software then come D-day you are going to be in for a nasty surprise.

Sure, they won't get everything back, and it'll be in bits and pieces, but there'll be enough data to put your arse in a sling.

There are techniques and tools, which I won't discuss, that would surprise even the most ardent techheads.